@RachaelMole - 5Qi-2

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Q1. Why do you write?

A. At first it was part of pain management, using writing more as a therapy. I have chronic pain and writing is a really great escape and distraction for me. I found Wattpad when I was looking for a way to motivate me to finish the stories I was starting and since I signed up I haven't been able to stop! I'm addicted, it's as simple as that.

Q2. What is your favourite quote?

A. Emily Dickinson - If I can stop one heart from breaking I shall not live in vain: If I can ease one life aching Or cool one pain Or help one fainting Robin unto its nest again I shall not live in vain.

Through my writing I have the ability to make a change, we all do.

Q3. Where do you get your inspiration?

A. My inspiration comes from not being able to find the stories with characters I want to read about. I don't limit myself to a specific genre, and always note down any little ideas that come into my head. My story 'Saving Grace' was built around wanting a physically disabled female main character that was also bad ass. The rest of the characters and plot just fell into place.

Q4. What's the hardest thing about writing for you?

A. Sitting down to write. For some people, including myself, sitting down to write everyday just isn't possible- but that doesn't mean you're not as good, or dedicated as those who do. This took me quite a while to learn when I first came Wattpad. At first I was really disheartened, I was live writing my fantasy/ adventure novel 'The Six'. It took me over 14 months to write, posting about 2/3 times a month until I finished it. It was only through the support of the readers and community on here that I realised I shouldn't be too hard on myself, I had achieved something most people only dream of- I had finished my first book! Now I write when I feel well enough and know I'm in the right headspace to be happy with what I produce.

Q5. How important are cover designs to you and why?

A. The Cover of my books are a huge aspect of the whole process of creating a book for me. The cover is a finishing touch to a story I have dedicated my time to- it deserves an eye catching, well designed cherry on top! People will always judge a book by its cover, myself included- how can you not when you have millions of books to choose from.

Recently I started saving so I could invest in hiring the services of a friend Lucyface) to design them professionally- not to publish them or anything, in fact rather selfishly it's for myself. There is something quite satisfying about seeing a professional cover that you would pick up in a book shop knowing it's your story behind it.

Bulletin: I run a campaign here on Wattpad called #visible, dedicated to diversity and getting more physical and mental disabilities and/or illness's into literature. It's been a huge success so far! Starting December 1st and ending on the 31st is the bi annual competition. The prize is to get the winning piece into a collaboration book that will be published at the end of 2016 for charity.

For more information about the campaign and to find out how to enter, head to my profile and click on: #visible'- look forward to seeing you there!

Book and Author recommendations:

1. Michelle007- 'How Deep The Roots Go'

2. larissajay- 'Little Saint Bride'

3. RickyPine- 'Red Rain'

4. maryltabor- 'The Woman Who Never Cooked'


#5Qi-2 November 6th, 2015

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