@AdelynAnn - 5Qi-2

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Q1. What inspired you to write your first book?

A. I'm still not sure how it happened that I decided to start writing my first book. I was working in marketing for a newspaper at the time, and had some long commutes to and from work where I'd listen to classical music. I found that I liked classical music because there were no words, only tones. As I listened, I loved to fill in the blanks of where the words would be and imagine a scene that could happen to the music. I think over time my brain got too many scenes and ideas and it eventually spilled over into a novel.

Q2. Which Fictional character best represents your personality and why?

A. When I say I am Cress from Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles, I mean that when reading the novel I wasn't entirely sure Meyer didn't have a magic mirror that looked right into my life and then put it in her book. Cress and I are both empathetic and emotional, idealistic and slightly naive. Reading her was like seeing myself on the page in a mortifying yet hilarious way. I can't think of any other character that has made me truly say, "Yes! That's me!" so many times over the length of a novel.

3. Where do you get your inspiration?

A. My inspiration is always organic, but a lot of it comes from music. I was a musician long before I started writing so music always connects with me on a deep level. The right song will inspire a character or a scene, but I also love to read nonfiction for inspiration. I love finding delicious tidbits of history and spinning them to create something new. But in addition to being a musician, I am an artist (sort of). Visuals are a major part of my creation process which means building huge storyboards on Pinterest to go with all of my story ideas. I'm always scouring the recesses of Tumblr for pictures to squirrel away that could inspire a piece of a novel.

4. Why do you write?

A. Quite simply, once I started, I couldn't stop. One story idea led to another, and I soon had more ideas and characters clamoring around in my head than I would ever have time to write. For a while I was just writing to write all those stories, but the more I read about the craft, the more I fell in love with the difficulty of making words really shine on the page. Writing is hard. Always. And I love the challenge. Writers must always, no matter their experience level, be working on honing their craft and that, the idea that there's always more to learn, will probably keep me writing until my last breath.

Q5. How did you discover Wattpad?

A. I dabble a little in graphic design, and someone on figment.com (another writing website) asked me to do a Wattpad sized cover for them. As I was researching cover sizes and designs to see what people were doing on here, I loved the layout of the site and was eager to give it a try. I made a profile and the rest is history!

Bulletin: I am currently posting chapters to my novel I WISH I MAY which is a contemporary fantasy about a fairy godmother in training.

Book and Author recommendations:

1. The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

2. A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

3. The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

4. Northanger Abby by Jane Austen

5. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir


#5Qi-2 October 30th, 2015

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