
I punched Dylan in the face. "Answer my question Dylan, why are you with these rogues?" I practically hissed at my ex-friend. Dylan spit blood out of his mouth. "And I'm not answering you." Dylan growled at me. I went to go punch him again but Isabella caught my fist. Electricity raced up and down my arm from contact with my mate. Ash calmed down some from her. 'Please let me talk to her one day.'

"Let me." Isabella said cracking her knuckles. I nodded and backed up to where Derik stood his arms across his chest. "Well we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Isabella said cocking her gun back. "Fuck you." Dylan spit out.

"Your gonna regret that." Derik said with a smirk. Isabella placed the gun against Dylan's thigh and shot. Dylan let out a high pitched scream. Smoke started rising from the wounds. Isabella shot him with a silver bullet. Dylan started laughing like a manic. "You didn't shoot my soul or heart." Dylan said smirking.

"The bullets are full of silver liquid which is now running through your veins which will kill you slowly and painfully, if you don't get the antidote which I have." Isabella said waving around a clear tube with a bluish liquid in it. Dylan nodded.

"We were sent here to capture Satan's vessel and bring her to Gavial, who made us the hybrids who we are today, I was the future Alpha of the Wendigos." Dylan said as his neck started turning silver. Isabella went ridged at the name Gavial. "Antidote, I told you everything." Dylan said panting.

Isabella then dropped the vial on the ground shattering it. "Oops, when you go to hell tell Cerberus I said hi and will come play with him soon." Isabella said smirking. Then she left the room. Derik followed Isabella.

Dylan looked at me. "Dalton, p-please save m-me, I w-as you-r best f-f-f-friend." Dylan stuttered his face scrunching up in pain. "Was, now your not, suffer and die alone." I said coldly and left. "They'll tear you apart to get to her, your gonna die Dalton, you can't protect her!" Dylan yelled his voice hoarse.

I ignored it and continued walking after Isabella. We walked into the kitchen which was deserted. It was only me and Isabella. Suddenly Isabella pushed me into a chair and was straddling me. Ash was confused but excited. She looked at my shoulder. I was shirtless but had on basketball shorts.

She touched my shoulder and I growled in pain. I looked over at it and saw a huge bite mark. It looked infected. "He poisoned you." Isabella said as she grabbed a vial from around her neck. "It'll probably kill you." Isabella said. "I don't wanna die." I said wincing. Isabella unscrewed the cap from the bottle and pressed it against my lips. "Then drink this." Isabella demanded. I parted my lips and drank it.

Isabella pulled it back with some still in it. Then she put it back around her neck. I licked my lips. "What was that?" I asked. "Something my Mom gave me before she, you know." Isabella said as she stared into my eyes. I noticed a note sticking out of her jacket that wasn't there before.

"What's that?" I asked leaning towards it. "Nothing." Isabella said quickly as he shoved in her pocket. I looked at her suspiciously. I reached out to grab it but when I did Isabella grabbed my hands, then she grabbed my hair and our lips met.

Electricity started dancing through me. I responded very quickly and started kissing back. Her hands were tugging on my midnight black locks. Her hand brushed my neck and I growled. She instantly moved it. Werewolves hate people touching our necks it's a sensitive part. In fights its a way of showing submissiveness and going for the kill. We also bite there when we do the mating ceremony.

Her hands yanked on my locks. I licked over lip ring and gently nipped it. Isabella pulled back at that. Except she was glaring at me. "Don't touch what's mine." Isabella started. "And stop yanking, tugging, and nipping my lip ring, it just feels weird." Isabella said looking down.

'Oh I'll be doing a lot of that.' 'Shut up Ash, you perv.' I gripped Isabella's shirt tightly. "Don't tease me." I said. I went to go kiss for her but she pushed me back. "Yeah no." Isabella said. "Ok." I said. Isabella looked shocked that I stopped.

Isabella then got off of me. "You really are immature." Isabella said as she smirked at me. Then she walked away. "I'll talk to you in school." Isabella said as she threw me something. My wallet landed in my hand. "Took about $300, have to pay rent and get food, organization hasn't given me my paycheck yet." Isabella said as she walked away.

"Girls confused me." I muttered as I stood up and went to go get some brownies.

I updated twice in one day. *Happy dance*. The end of the book is approaching in about 14 chapters. Then book 2 comes out. I'm having so much fun writing this. Satan's assassin made it to #724 in werewolves.

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