Chapter One: Twilight Sparkle

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Twilight Sparkle's POV


"Pinkie Pie?" I asked my friend as I walked my into little tree house. The place was a mess that was obviously later going to be a party. Stray streamers were everywhere, tables were rearranged, there were random paper letters on the floor, and ladders all over the place. And glue. And scissors. And all those other fun party things. "What in Equestria are you DOING?"

"Oh hi Twilight Sparkle!" Pinkie chirped. "I was just setting up a party for the new pony moving into town and I was wondering if I could do it in your house so I went here and tried to ask but you weren't here so then I said, 'Hm, maybe she wouldn't mind,' since, you know, we have parties here all the time and then Spike let me in and then I-"

"Wait! SPIKE let you in?" I cried.

"Yup! He's my bestest friend ever!"

"SPIKE!!!" I yelled. Spike entered the room, arms full of party favors and paper. His eyes widened at me and he smiled sheepishly.

"Uh, hey, Twilight," he greeted. "Pinkie Pie, here's those apples you wanted . . ."

"Oh, thanks, Spike! You're the bestest!" Pinkie said, using the same word as earlier. "Um, Twilight Sparkle, since you're here, could you go help the others bake pies and stuff?"

"The others?!" I gasped. "You don't mean . . ." I sighed. I was tired, and I really needed to read something, then take a long nap.

"Yeah!" Spike said enthusiastically. "C'mon! Everypony's in the kitchen!" I groaned slightly.

"Spike . . ."

"HI!" Rainbow Dash greeted me. She was holding banners and colored paper. "I was just hanging these up. Wanna help?" I nodded slowly, just because I was a nice pony. Rainbow Dash grinned and handed me some banners and instructed me where to place them.

Willing my horn, it glowed and some of the streamers flew up to the ceiling and attached themselves to the wooden slats. Rainbow Dash flew around, putting banners all over the place.

"So," she said. "Apparently there's this new pony coming to town and Pinkie Pie obviously wants to welcome him. I mean, I think it's a him. That's what I heard." she chattered.

"Cool," I mumbled, putting up the last banner and hurried to the kitchen. Must. Get. Everypony. Out. "PONIES!!" I shouted into the kitchen. Three busy ponies turned to look at me.

"Twilight! You could finally make it," Rarity sighed. "My arms are aching. Could you please, ahem, take over my spot? I simply need to rest." She smiled gratefully and headed into the living room. Spike trailed behind her. He was actually quite big now. Dragons grow much faster than ponies. He was about the size of Big Macintosh. And he was walking on all fours, like us. Somehow, he still had a crush on Rarity.

"We're makin' apple pie," Applejack explained, peeking into the oven. "And ooh-wee, boy, does it smell good!"

"I just can't wait to try it!" squealed Pinkie Pie, suddenly appearing in the kitchen. "I do love pie!! And we're also making cupcakes, and cookies, and YUM YUM FOOD!" Fluttershy smiled at her.

"It does sound quite delicious," she said quietly.

"Ooh, what are we making? What are we making?" Rainbow Dash demanded, swooping in. I stomped my front left hoof and screamed loudly. Everypony fell silent.

"Ok, girls, I know you're all very excited about our welcome party for this new pony in town. But could you PLEASE keep it down a bit? I want to sleep really badly and all these jobs and stuff is making me stressed!" There was a silence.

"We're sorry," Applejack apologized. "We didn' mean to make ya stressed, we were jus' a little bit too excited. Ya know, it's not every day a new pony comes to Ponyville." I nodded.

"I know, it's really exciting, but I had a long day at work [yes, ponies work now] and I'd like to get some rest, then I'll help. When exactly is this party?" My friends all glanced at each other.

"Well, that's the thing . . ." Rainbow Dash said slowly. "It's actually . . ." She paused, looking around for somepony to finish.

"Tonight, yes," Rarity spoke up, coming out of the living room, Spike looking a bit crushed behind her. "We're all quite pressured, and sadly, Pinkie Pie only told us a few hours before our guest will arrive." She shot a look at Pinkie, who smiled widely.

"So . . ." I said. "It's tonight. And we're not even halfway done yet." I sighed. "And you want my help." By this I meant my magic powers. With my horn, all this stuff could be done real quick. But I didn't feel like using my horn right now.

"Yeah!" Pinkie jumped up and down. "Yeah yeah yeah!! Please, Twilight, PLEASE??" I groaned.



A half-hour later, the party was ready and I was basically dead. But I had to keep my head up, since ponies were starting to arrive.

"Hi! Welcome! Hi! Welcome! Hi! Welcome! Hi! Welcome! Thanks for coming! Hi! I love your mane! Hi! Welcome!" Pinkie Pie greeted all the guests, one by one. I yawned and scooted over on my couch to make room for Big Mac.

"Hey," I sighed. "Like the party?"

"Eeyup," he answered with his usual little word. "Twilight Sparkle, can I ask you something?"

"Su-u-u-re," I yawned again. Big Macintosh nodded, glancing to the other side of the room. I followed his gaze but couldn't place what he was looking at. All I knew was that he was staring somepony that was a girl. Great, I have to play Cupid now.

"I was wondering if you could, well . . ." He looked nervously at me.

"Ask Rarity out for you? Sure." Lots of ponies asked me this stupid question. She always turned them down, saving her loving for Shining Armor, my big brother, who, by the way, was already married. Mac blushed, which wasn't really noticeable on his already-red coat.

"Not exactly," he said. I blinked. Not Rarity? Then who? "I'd like you to ask. . ." He gulped. "Fluttershy."

"What?" I asked stupidly. Did I hear him wrong? I mean, I was very sleepy. "Could you repeat that?"

"Fluttershy." So I didn't hear wrong.

"Are you serious?" I asked. Fluttershy never got any secret admirers! But Big Macintosh? And Fluttershy? They didn't seem very same. Well, opposites attract, I suppose. "Um, sure. I'll go do it now." I stood up to go, but Big Mac put out a hoof in front of me.

"Not now," he hissed. "After the party's over."

"Hey, Mac! Ah didn' think you'd show up!" Applejack crowed, coming over. Mac immediately straightened up.


"Anyway, ah was jus' on ma way to the snacks. Baked 'em maself! An' of course, with ma friends, but ya have ta come try 'em, Mac! Now!" Applejack grabbed Big Mac's mane with her teeth and tugged. He got up and followed her to the kitchen. Ahem, MY kitchen.

"HI!!!!" screamed Pinkie Pie. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!! IT'S OUR GUEST OF HONOR, EVERYONE!!! PLEASE WELCOME THIS YOUNG STALLION TO THE TOWN OF PONYVILLE!!!!!" Pinkie Pie tugged a stallion into the middle of the party. I looked up and gasped. Oh, my . . . I was awake now.

He was cute! As in, really cute. His coat was black, his eyes were a golden color, his mane and tail were yellow, and his cutie mark was . . . a thundercloud? Something like that. All in all, he was really cute. I realized he was a pegasus. Rainbow Dash would certainly like him.

"Hey, everypony," the stallion greeted, not looking shy at all. "I'm Thundercloud. But you ponies can call me Thunder." The girl ponies were practically swooning. I was too, but inside. I'm not the pony to outright throw myself at a stallion.

"Yay!" Pinkie Pie yelled. "Go enjoy the party, Thundercloud!!" Thunder went into the crowd and began mingling with other ponies.

"Show off," Rainbow Dash scoffed next to me, as Thunder began performing a series of loops around my house. I turned, surprised.

"You don't like him?" I asked. Rainbow not liking a pegasus like herself? Maybe she was jealous. "I thought you'd like him. I mean, him being a great flyer and all."

"Um, LOOK," Rainbow Dash gestured with her hooves, throwing them in front of her. "Total turn-off. I mean, a great guy doesn't go around showing off their grand flying skills." Then she left before I could say anything else. I very much disagreed with her. He was gorgeous!

Hey, a pony can dream, right?


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