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PHOTO above - Trenton in his webcam video

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PHOTO above - Trenton in his webcam video

Many thanks to everyone who commented about Trenton and asked for him to be a prominent character ...

"Ohmygod." Johnny was behind the wheel in the Chevy and his eyes swerved from the road to gape at me. "Trenton's coming over tomorrow night?"

I laughed at him. "Keep your eyes on the road, dude. Lotsa deer around here at night. Yes, he's coming over and he's gonna stay all night."

"Oh man ... no shit?"

I kept on laughing. He'd looked back ahead but he was struggling not to turn back to me.

"And he's never been with a dude before," I went on. "So we get to initiate him, like we did Danny. How'dya like that?"

"Whoa jeez ..." Johnny blew out an excited breath. "Turning on two hot dudes in two days? Mother huncher! We could make a career of it, huh?"

I slapped the dashboard and hooted. "You bet. We'll make southeast Ohio the queerest part of the nation. And when we get home now we can watch Trenton's JockBoyCam video. See if we like what he has to offer."

"Like? Are you crazy? We've seen him naked a million times and he's awesome. That gorgeous bod. He's one hundred-eighty pounds of pure muscle. I bet he doesn't have an ounce of body fat. Plus he's so-o-o-o frikken macho. And that big dick!"

"Huh? How do you know it's big? We never saw him with a hardon in the locker room."

"Well it's a pretty big softie, so I'm guessing it's nice and big hard."

"Haha. You guessed right," I chuckled. "It was hard when we were peeing and, yah, you're gonna like it."

"Wow, we're gonna have to rest up all day tomorrow for that, huh?"

"Oh yeah? What about football training, Johnny?"

He snorted. "Screw that. We'll train real hard when Trenton comes over."

Back at the restaurant I had told him and Ginny what happened in the men's room when Trenton came in. Johnny was really surprised, not having suspected Trenton of having any kind of gay or bi tendencies. Ginny was flat out shocked, once again questioning her gaydar, especially since she'd actually dated him.

When I told her how badly he was crushing on her, she really was flabbergasted. She couldn't believe it. But it only took her a couple minutes to start believing and then she couldn't stop looking over at him, casting him all kinds of flirty glances.

As he and his parents were leaving a few minutes later, he stopped by to talk to us. He was pretty cool too, considering that Ginny turned him to absolute mush. And Johnny had to hold her down so she wouldn't jump Trenton's bones right there in Bob Evans. So I gave her the JockBoyCam link. She might as well check out the goods, too, since she was already ready to eat him up alive. 

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