Coming Face To Face. •5•

Start from the beginning

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"Aden... Honey, wake up... Aden..."


"Aden, get up... You have school..."


Sigh. "ADEN!"

"WHAT?!" I fell out of my bed and landed on my floor with a grunt.

"Get up and dressed. You have school." Mom said and walked out.

I groaned and laid back down for a moment.


"IM NOT!" I yelled and got up to take a shower.

• • •

"Have a good day, Hun. I love you," Mom told me as she handed me a granola bar.

"Love you too mom. Bye." I said, taking it and grabbing my keys.

I took a bite out of it as I walked to my friends.

"HELLO BITCHES! YOUR KING HAS ARRIVED!" I yelled and threw my hands up.

"Don't you mean our joker has arrived because you ain't no king, you're a joke." Baylor said and handed my my homework.

I pouted and took it from him. "That was very uncalled for, sir. Fuck you."

"Nah, I don't do jokes."

"Seriously dude. Rude. What is it? Pick on Aden day? Come on. Do I need to get a new best friend?"

"Maybe you should ask Conner to be your new best friend. I mean, you two must've gotten pretty close when you took him home yesterday." Baylor said.

I looked at him with disbelief, "What the fuck crawled up your ass and died? I thought we were good yesterday. And for the record, Conner is not my best friend- not even a friend. He asked for a ride and I didn't want to be mean. Sorry for being a good person."

All of our friends glanced between us, not sure whether to intervene or run away.

I would've ran.

Baylor rolled his eyes. "'A good person.' Sure, whatever floats your goat. Next time, don't come to me for anything. I already warned you, I'm done."

I stared after him as he walked away before turning to my friends.

"You wanna go off on me too?" I asked quietly.

They shook their heads.

"We seriously don't know what's wrong with him," Sam piped up. I stayed quiet.

"Let's get to class and get this day over with. We can all hang out tonight at my place," Marise said.

"Sounds good. Bye guys." I walked inside to my locker, keeping an eye out for Conner. I did not want to deal him, or anyone, today.

But I guess the universe was not agreeing with me because there Conner was, leaning against my locker. I internally sighed and made my way over there.

"Hey," I greeted as he moved out of my way. I put my combination in and pulled out the books I'd need for the day.

"Hey. How was your morning?" He asked. I shrugged.

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