Princi Poop froze and climbed down. He straightened himself and cleared his throat. “Classes now”

The students groaned and put their phones away, recording the whole damn thing. Well, I would’ve been doing the same if I wasn’t so shocked.

Hey! Maybe Hade recorded it!! I could post it on YouTube…

The students walked away, leaving me, my brothers and Mase alone…

“We’ll talk in my office” he said in his ‘Principal’ voice and walked ahead.

Mase narrowed his eyes and walked faster so he was infront of Princi Poop.

I grinned mentally. Mase is so funny at times, other times he could be…

·        Arrogant

·        Obnoxious

·        Weird

·        Stalkerish

·        Creepy

·        Evil

·        Fatherly

·        Annoying

·        Possessive

·        A ‘Leader’

·        An Adult

·        Weirdo

·        Idiot

·        A massive Retard

·        D*ckhead

·        F*cktard

·        Knobhead

·        Stupid

·        ‘Needs a slap’

I could go on but I’ll stop, cos I’m soo nice.

{No you’re not, Rox. You just listed about…20 negative things about me} Spoke Mase.

I rolled my eyes. {19 and I stopped}

He groaned. {There’s more?}

{Home} Meaning, ‘tell you at home cos I can’t be bothered to say it all now since it will take me years and I’m busy wanting to know why Princi Poop was dancing on his freakin car!!’

We reached the office and Mase was being a ‘gentleman’ letting me go in first, then he followed. I sat on Princi Poop’s ‘principal’ seat, only to be picked up by Mase and sat down on his lap…but still on the ‘principal’ seat.

{You can add gentleman to the list} He said to me.

I rolled my eyes. {And stupid}

{That was already on the list!}

{Uhh…I’ll decide at the end of the day}


I rolled my eyes and cut him off, let’s listen to what Princi Poop has to say.

Captured! [Book 2 of The Denied! Series] {NEEDS MAJOR EDITTING!}Where stories live. Discover now