Part 3

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8 years ahead

Liam is thirteen now and for the most part everything's been going well. Harry, Liam's brother was now twenty-four and was working in a bakery downtown to save up money while he was in school to become a doctor. He still lived in the room next door from Liam but was planning on moving out soon.

Niall went wherever Liam went. Whether it was to school, or football practice, Niall would be there waiting on the sidelines. Niall didn't require basic human things, like sleep, food, or using the bathroom. He was at a constant state of contentment with his body which brought an overall peace to him.

At first it was normal for Liam to be talking to his imaginary friend when he was five. Everyone brushed it off as just a phase that all kids go through and didn't think anything of it. Though, when it started to continue throughout the years that's when his parent's started getting concerned. A ten-year boy shouldn't still have an imaginary friend, and especially not a thirteen-year-old boy. As Liam got older he tried to only talk and acknowledge Niall when they were alone, but because Niall was always there and he looked so real to him he often forgot he wasn't just a normal person to everyone else. His parent's noticed Liam start to isolate himself more from his friends and would hear him talk to himself in his room when they walked down the hallway. So like any parent they decided to seek medical help.

Niall rode in the backseat of the car as Liam's mom drove him to the psychiatrist's office. His mom hadn't told him where they were going, but Niall overheard Liam's parent's talking about it downstairs and decided to warn Liam in advance. It was another dreary overcast day in London as Niall watched Liam look out the window and then back at him through the mirror.

Niall really felt like he lucked out. Liam was an absolutely incredible kid and they had so much in common. Niall would sometimes think of the potential friends and family he couldn't remember, but quickly forgot about them when he would remember that none of that matters now. Liam was his one and only best friend and that's all he needed. He did worry about Liam not having many friends though. He really only had one named Andy that he would hang out with at school but that was about it. That's pretty much what's gotten him to this moment here now.

The car was full of silence as Liam's mom pulled into a parking lot right off the main drive of town. The building was an older brick building that matched most of the other buildings in their part of town. Niall observed as Liam's mother kept giving him worried glances as Liam breathed a heavy sigh. They got out of the car and made their way through the parking lot and up the steps. Niall stayed next to Liam's side and gave him a reassuring smile whenever he looked his way. This was definitely the downside to the whole imaginary friend thing.

The doctor himself was very nice. He came to the waiting room and greeted both Liam and his mother then took Liam back to his cozy little office while his mother sat waiting anxiously. The office itself actually looked quite relaxing. It had a big couch against one wall with a big chair adjacent to it. On the side wall was a big desk with many books and papers

illuminated by a small lamp. Across on the other wall were two giant bookshelves covered from top to bottom with assorted medical books from various authors and universities.

Liam took a seat on the couch nervously and rubbed his sweaty palms together while the doctor took a seat in his giant rolling office chair. He grabbed a notepad from his desk and a pen and then began the session.

"So Liam you came here unwillingly today, but I'm glad you decided to come. My sole purpose here is to help you and make you feel better. However, I can't do that unless you keep an open mind and be completely honest with me. Do you think you can do that?"

Niall sat next to Liam on the couch and smirked at that. If only the doctor was actually going to be told the truth. Niall's certain if Liam tried to explain any of this to a doctor they would for sure think he's crazy and that's not really what they need right now. Liam takes in the silence for a moment before answering.

"I can try my best." Is all he says. The doctor seemed pleased enough with this answer and continued on.

"Fantastic. So you're here today because you mum tells me you seem very isolated and she hears you talking to yourself in your room. Would you agree with that?"

Niall hears Liam gulp next to them. They had talked earlier that morning about how to answer the questions the doctor asked to just make it sound like he was going through a phase and there was nothing wrong with him. Though Niall can still see the worry and panic etched all across Liam's face and reaches out to take his hand in his for support.

"Yes, I don't have many friends, and sometimes I talk to myself because it helps me think, but I hardly see that as a problem doctor." Dr. Glen has a serious look on his face now and just seems to nod at this for a moment before answering.

"No, Liam that's not a problem at all it's just quite odd for a young boy of your age to barely have any friends. Your mum said you really only talk of one friend, and you never invite him to the house, and when you appear to be talking to yourself you address another person. Are you sure you're just talking to yourself Liam or is there someone else there?"

Niall can tell Liam's just been backed into a corner so he decides to intervene. "Liam lie and tell him you're into role playing or something, or you're writing a book. I don't care how you B.S your way out of this one, either way you have to do it."

Liam seems to relax at that and squeeze's Niall's hand as he makes up some lame excuse about how he secretly likes to role play by himself in his free time because it makes him feel better about himself. It was complete bullshit and barely made any sense but it seemed to stop the doctor from questioning him further.
The doctor set his notepad and pen down on the desk and stood up to shake Liam's hand and ask if he would have a seat in the waiting room while he spoke with his mother. Thankfully no one else was in the waiting room as Liam slumped down in a chair putting is head in his hands. Niall could tell he was trying to control his breathing so he began rubbing soothing circles on his back to calm him down.

"Liam honestly you did great. He totally believed you and I'm sure he's telling your mum right now that she was wrong and everything's fine with you. You just have to be more careful

and quieter when you speak to me from now on so she, or anyone else doesn't here us.
Liam nods at this like he's content with that answer. He slumps to the left side of the chair with his body resting against the armrest and rests his head on Niall's shoulder, finally breathing normal again. Niall rests his head on top of his and they just sit there in each other's presence. That is until Liam's mum comes back out with the doctor and suddenly their little world is being intruded by those from the outside.

Things start to change after that day, at least for the few weeks following the visit to Dr. Glen's office. Liam is a lot more careful when talking to Niall out loud. He also tries to make an effort to talk to more people at school and he even invited Andy over to play video games after school one day.
Niall's relieved and scared all at once. He thinks it's good Liam's getting out more and making more friends because he needs that, especially when he's older and Niall will no longer be around. He just hopes Liam won't forget about him and stop believing. If that happens then they're both in trouble, and destined to a fate that neither one can predict.

Niall knows the current fate of Liam. He sees it at least once a day when he closes his eyelids. He's older, maybe Niall's age, and he's in his own bathroom. He no longer has his dirty blonde curls. Instead he sports a buzz cut and his hair looks browner. The vision always shows Liam rolling up this sleeves and taking a razor to his wrists slashing them angrily over and over again until the blood is flowing freely and rapidly out of them. He just stares at himself in the mirror tears streaming down his face until the loss of blood becomes too much and he crumples to the floor. Then the vision ends and that's all Niall has to go by. Niall is terrified it won't be enough.

Imaginary (Niam, Ziall, Ziam, Larry fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now