Cade turned away, reluctant to watch the wolf die. He despised violence, especially against women. No matter how good a fighter she might be, in a one on one fight vampires always won. They were simply stronger.

Biron grunted in effort as he pinned the thrashing wolf. She snapped at his arm and he swiftly clamped a hand over her muzzle so she wouldn't tear open an artery. Her skin was so loose over her frame it made it difficult for him to hang on.

"Cade! Come hold her still." He was loath to ask for his help but the female was too slippery.

Cade frowned, planning to object. He wanted no part in this. It was Biron's mess after all. "Look, this is your fault! Deal with her yourself, I'm not helping."

Growling in aggravation Biron glared at him over his shoulder. "You are part of this clan whether you like it or not, halfling. The longer this draws out the worse it will be for her. Let's make it quick, yeah?"

Barely containing a hiss, Cade stomped over to the two. The small russet wolf blinked up at him with murky brown eyes and let out a plaintive whine. He tore his eyes away before pity could overwhelm him.

"W-what do you need me to do," He exhaled shakily.

Biron almost rolled his eyes at Cade's meekness. He might appear identical to his father but the boy's personality couldn't have been more opposite. He was already 26, a grown man by human standards but still a child to the other vampires. It was time he grew up and accepted his responsibilities. He couldn't live in his father's shadow forever if he was to be the next clan head. He needed to face the harsh truth that their people had to kill to survive.

"Keep her mouth closed, I'm going to--" Biron scarcely shifted his grasp on the wolf when she brutally hurled herself forward, fur coming away in his hands, directly at Cade. Biron lunged after her, his fingers brushing against her hind leg as she leapt out of reach. His eyes widened as she crashed into the vampire, toppling him to the ground. Oh shit. Hizen would have his head if he let his son get killed.

Cade stared into the gaping maw of the she-wolf, her teeth gleaming with intent. He expected those jaws to close around his throat and tear out his windpipe when she ducked her head to his neck. Instead a warm tongue rasped over his chin and she whimpered, rubbing her cheek against his. Mouth agape in confusion he remained still, unsure of what to do.

Before he could do much of anything, except sit there stunned, Biron hauled her off of him. His mouth flattened into a harsh line and he seized her by the neck. He wasn't about to let anything else happen to the kid. The wolf's dark fur receded as she shifted, her nails scrabbling at his tight grip.

Halia's frantic gaze sought out the other man, the one who brought her back. Bright green eyes fixed on hers. Please. She couldn't die now, not after finding someone who could leash her animal. She needed him.

"No!" A deep voice boomed, making her attacker stiffen in alarm. His hands loosened around her throat and she collapsed in a heap, too weak to do anything but cough and gulp in shuddering breaths. Curling her body into a protective ball, she waited. She could hear heavy breathing coming from the man farthest from her, the green-eyed one, and wished he would say something.

Biron's jaw clenched and he glanced down at the woman. "Why did you stop me? She was going to kill you."

"She wasn't." He replied tersely, stepping closer. She glanced at him through the dark curls obscuring her face and suddenly jumped up, barreling into him for the second time though he remained firmly planted this time. Pushing her face into the hollow of his throat she stood on her toes and twined her arms around him.

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