Captivation Part 32

Start from the beginning

"We are not leaving you here. Not on your own." Candy glanced around, hoping that someone would materialize and partner up with Caitlin before it became obvious that she was the last choice. But from the looks of things, no one appeared to be heading toward their little cluster of three. Candy figured that if she was in Caitlin's shoes she would find that humiliating.

But Caitlin appeared to be made of sterner stuff. "Don't worry about it you guys. Just pair up! Honestly, I can manage on my own." Caitlin had just finished talking when she heard a voice she recognized instantly.

"Ah, there you are." Jared grinned at her, then smiled at Candy and Nigel. "Trying to keep a low profile? Or just trying to avoid me?" Jared asked with a cheeky smile. Candy and Nigel nodded at each other in relief. Smiling at each other they quickly walked over to the nearest free wheel and left Caitlin with Jared.

Caitlin was far from pleased. But the last thing she needed was to create a scene. "If this is another of your fix it ideas please can you take a hike." Caitlin told Jared as she got to her feet.

"Fix it?" Jared planted his hands on her shoulders and eased her down on to the chair she had just attempted to vacate. Then he occupied the stool beside her, "We are working together."

"Right." Caitlin got to her feet. She was not going to do this. Given she still hadn't figured out how to handle him now. After that kiss. It might have been the most tender kiss she had ever received but it packed the biggest punch. How could something as simple as the meeting of lips render her practically senseless. She needed time to think about that kiss. And sitting alongside him was not the safest thing to do under the circumstances. "Please go and find one of your..."

Jared ignored her attempt to shift him. "I've found her." He replied softly and had the nerve to look straight at her.

Her heart literally bounced off her ribcage as the power of that look sent a jolt straight to her heart. Ok. Definitely not a good move to stay with him. It was as if every single cell in her body was now in tune with his. Her pulse was racing. She ran her tongue along the seam of her lips and tried not to give away the fact that she was seriously rattled. In her professional life she worked in often trying, sometimes dangerous, situations. But none quite as precarious as this. For the life of her she couldn't imagine her heart being in more danger than it was right at this moment given the devilish glint in that man's eyes.

Jared watched the sweep of her tongue across her lips and felt the solid thud to his gut. Just like earlier that day, their gazes locked and held. The rest of the room faded into the background.

Then Lisa's voice broke through their haze. "Ok. That's us ready. Over to you John."

Jared gestured toward the chair that Caitlin had recently vacated. His voice sounded remarkably well modulated given his pulse was thundering in his ears. "We are just going to get grubby making pots. Does it matter with whom?" He asked softly, hoping to coax her into staying put. With Caitlin it was hard to know whether her stubborn streak would kick in and she'd leave, make things harder for him, or whether her defiant streak would kick in and she would stay put, make things easier for him.

For a second Caitlin looked at him. She debated the decision. Could she risk her heart? Could she risk her pride? He could see the indecision in her eyes. Saw her battle with the urge to run, and knew that was the last thing he wanted. He had a lot of ground to make up. The sooner he started the better.

Jared said quietly, "It won't be pretty, but..."

"So that's why you're here." Caitlin decided that the best way to play this was adopt a tongue in cheek approach. If she could just hold it together, pretend to be facetious, keep things light, then she might just emerge unscathed. The question was did she have the mental strength to keep her feelings to herself and to hold this man at arm's length. In reality she didn't have an option. The others had paired up. She could hardly get up and walk away. That would just add more fodder to the gossip mill.

"Why?" He accepted the fact she was trying to reduce the tension in the moment by being flippant. He also knew that unless she wanted to create a scene, she was stuck with him. So she was staying. But he'd rather she stayed and was in good humour. Otherwise the next few hours were going to be a nightmare.

Caitlin quirked a brow as she said lightly, "Don't want your harem to see your lack of skill?"

Relieved, Jared laughed instantly. "Oh I have skills." He told Caitlin and she wasn't sure whether he was serious or joking, let alone know whether they were still talking about pottery. Then he glanced around, nodded toward their crowd and said with a hint of a challenge in his eyes, "Looks like everyone is organized. So, shall we start?" He was looking forward to getting grubby with her!

"Why not." She mumbled. Not that she had much of a choice.

"Graciously accepted." He teased and breathed a sigh of relief. Looked like Fate had decided to side with him. About time. Now to make sure he did not blow it this time.

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