I already have a Hero

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Drew grabbed the man by the shoulder with his left hand, as his right hand came crashing towards the papparazzi's gut. Over,,, and Over again...

"Drew! stop!" I ran across the street. My heart almost stopped as a huge Range Rover's breaks screeched infront of me. Coming to a complete stop, it managed not to trample over me. I continued running towards the boy with the leather jacket. "Stop! please!" I pulled on his shoulder, making it harder for him to continue the beating. I didn't want ANYBODY getting hurt, no matter how much of a scum they were. 

Turning away from the man laying on the floor, Drew grabbed my wrist and ran with me towards the other side of the street. His fingers were wrapped tightly around my wrists, hurting me. 

"Ouch! let go!" I yelled at him, but his eyes were focused on his destination. As we stepped onto the sidewalk, he finally released me from his hold. "What's wrong with you?" He turned around, towering over me, he pulled me roughly against his body. His large hands still wrapped around my wrists.

"Don't ever do that!" he growled, startling me where I stood. He was mad? Why was he mad? 

"D-do what?" I stumbled in my words. Drews clenched jaws relaxed as he held onto my shoulders once more. Massaging away the red marks he had left me, his eyes were fixed onto mine. 

"Don't get between me trying to save you." his tongue slipped from his mouth as they moistened his lips. 

"I already have a hero...." my voice sounding like a nervous whisper. I did have a hero, he saved me. Saved me from Brandon, from the world, from my own negative thoughts. 

"I can be your hero when he's not here." what was he saying? Did he actually think that I would...

"He's my hero whether right next to me or millions of miles away." I looked at Drew straight into his eyes. I didn't like where he was going with this conversation... not one bit. I loved Harry. He was my everything. His soft lips made me ease up from any nervousness I contained, his arms wrapped around me assured me security. His heart was mine and mine his. I didn't need another hero...."Thank you Drew, for the papparazzi thing. I have to go. I'll see you." I began walking past him. I had to call Harry. I had to tell him about today. I felt a warm hand grab hold of my hand once more. Drew. Turning around, I saw him lick his lips again. Oh god, please don't kiss me

"I- ummm- signed up for the same shift as you for the hospital. I hope to become really good friends Emily." his fingers let go of me. Taking a few steps back, he waved, before turning around completely. 


I didn't know how long I had been holding my breath. But taking a deep breath, I sighed. I knew drama would find me one way or another. (a/n no pun intended ;p)

Walking into Niall's house, I whistled for Charlie's attention. He came running towards me. Licking my hands as I tried petting him. 

"Is anyone here?" I asked him. His bark assured me that no one was in the house. Good, I didn't need any unexpected visitors. 

I knew what I had to do. I had to call Harry and tell him about Drew, about the papparazzi, about the potential pictures that might surface. My stomach began churning at the thought of his possible reaction. 

Dialing his number, my heart was beating hard against my chest. What if he gets upset? What if he doesn't want anything to do with me because he believes the photos? 

*ring* ring*

On the fourth ring, the phone was answered. 

"Hello?" A femine voice answered the phone, giggling into the receiver. 

What. The. Fuck....

(a/n eek i just keep sturring that drama pot huh ;) haha what do y'all think is gonna happen? 
shoutouts!!! @1DNewsBZ please go follow her and read her story "Ready for Styles?" she has grown to become a close friend of mine on twitter :) she's very funny and oh so sweet person:) please follow her :) 
@ShinaeandMorgan follow them and read their story "New found love with Louis Tomlinson" Louis girls this is right up your alley ;) please go read it :) 

Okay, A few of my readers have made me some covers! and I'm going to change FZHS's cover so please keep an eye open :) haha the creator of the cover is @NotASuperModel go check her out as well as her story :D 

(okay, y'all knew this was coming...HARRY STYLES RANT OF THE DAY!! omg did y'all see those pictures?!?! like serious i can't breathe while looking at those damn pics! he's gorgeous! I just want to wrap him around my arms and squeeze his bum while i'm kissing him deeply! haha i'm weird i know but omg he's just so sexy/ hot/ gorgeous/ hot/ and amazing! annnnd he's so sweet for paying for the wedding. Like when I found that out my heart melted! like i fell deeper in love with the guy! omg and he sang 'isn't she lovely'?!?!? like i cried! omg and all those pics of him are making me want to punch a wall! omg! like seriously guys if harry styles doesn't come into my life soon i'm going to go insane! pleeeaaaseseeee somebody make him notice me! omg he's just so perfect I want to touch his curls! well... like I want to touch other stuff too but his curls would work! hahaw xD omg i can't believe i said that like i'm over here crying and typing and kik'ing ppl and they allll know my feelings for the boy because i'm always talking about him! omg!!! like when me and him get married i'll make sure to get lots of pics for y'all i pinky promise! ) *heavy breathing out of breath! 


p.s. crying because pic on the side.... haha 



READ :) ) 

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