Chapter 14: Employees Only

Start from the beginning

He sighed in relief. "Oh, good, it felt so weird to not annoy you. I've grown used to it."

I chuckled, "Ah, I don't think I missed that."


"Mom, I really hope you didn't forget that we're off to El's house for dinner today," Jacob said as he sat down.

I continued to scroll through my phone, my feet perched on the coffee table in front of me, a pillow under my arm.

"Ah, shit." Mom swore, "I'm sorry, I completely forget. What time is it?"

Jacob groaned, "Around 7, mom."

"Alright, good. I'm happy I don't have to make dinner today." John said as he walked into the living room, taking a seat next to mom.

I chuckled, "Isn't that great."

"It really is." Mom agreed. "Well, alright, then. You all better be ready by 6:30."

I nodded my head and picked up my phone again.

"Mom..." Jacob exclaimed, "Zoe's smiling creepily at her phone again."

My smile quickly vanished. "What?"

Mom grinned, "Is there a boy I should know about?"


"She stuttered!" John yelled accusingly.

"Why is my whole family against me! I don't like anyone!" I cried out.

My mom grinned, "It's okay sweetie, you can tell us when you're ready. I'd like to meet the boy soon."

I rolled my eyes, "There is no boy, mom." I muttered.

She smirked, "Hm, okay, I'll be prepared to have a boy talk with you in a few weeks."

I groaned, covering my face with the pillow. "Leave me alone."

Mom laughed loudly, "Alright, I'll stop for now. Everyone be ready in a half hour."

"You're all mean," I said, my voice sounding muffled by the pillow.

They just laughed in response.


After Ella's house last night, I came home, dressed in my pajamas and slept. It's now the morning after and I had school in a half hour. And... I was still in bed.

I yawned, getting up, stretching my sore muscles and letting my feet dangle in the air.

After a few minutes of sitting, I got up and walked to the bathroom to get dressed for the day.

Dressed in my favorite hoodie, leggings, and my converses, with my backpack thrown over my shoulders, I left my room.

Quickly grabbing a snack and my car keys, I headed outside and started my car.

10 minutes later, with my books in my hand, I made my way to Naomi's locker.

"Hey." I greeted her with a smile.

"Morning, Zoe." She grinned, as she sipped her coffee. Naomi's a coffee addict. She loves her coffee as much as Jacob loves to annoy me.

"So, what'd you do yesterday?" I asked her to spark up a conversation, hugging my books closer to me.

Naomi shrugged her shoulders, "I studied a little and continued watching Grey's Anatomy, you?"

I chuckled, "Sounds fun. I went to Jacob's girlfriend's house for dinner and Sean and I made up."

Naomi's head shot up real fast. "What?"

I grinned, "Yeah. I'll tell you about it later."

Naomi glared at me, "Why not now?"

"Later," I sang with a smile on my face. "Well, on the topic of boys..."

"Young Leo Dicaprio is so hot." Naomi said with a dreamy look on her face, "I watched Titanic yesterday and oh my, I forgot how hot he is."

I laughed, agreeing with her. "Oh, you're right about that."

"Hello, friends!" Carson exclaimed, Mason and Sean behind him.

I smile, "Hi."

"So... who is calling who hot?" Carson said wiggling his eyebrows.

Naomi and I looked at each with wide eyes.

"Was it me you were talking about? Because, babe, I know I'm hot."

Naomi rolled her eyes, "No, we weren't talking about you." She replied, "but, you aren't bad looking."

Carson smirked, "So, what I'm hearing is that you'll go on a date with me."

Her eyes turned wide, "W..what?" I laughed quietly at her response and her shocked face.

Carson sighed dramatically, getting down on one knee. "I'm just kidding, I'm not that extra." He laughed quickly getting back up, "but, Naomi will you do the honor of going on a date with me?"

"What is this? A proposal or some shìt?" Sean whispered quietly. I snickered.

Naomi finally recovered from her shock, only just a little, enough to form a sentence, "Uh.. I.. I guess so, I have nothing to lose." She said nonchalantly.

Carson grinned, "Great, see you Friday at 8." He winked and walked away.

Naomi looked at me, then at her locker, then at me again. She shut her locker, "I'll see you in class, I need to figure out what just happened." With that, she walked away.

I shook my head and laughed softly. Oh, Naomi.

"Well, I'm going to go to class before the damn school calls my mom again," Mason mutters as he walks away.

Sean clears his throat, "What an eventful morning."

I nodded, "Right."


Author's Note: so my power went out on wednesday and came back saturday. my house was so colddddd. omg

but luckily, i had a test thursday and i got to miss it because i had no school thursday and a half day friday. (((((: but it sucks because i have to take it monday now ):

welp, hope you enjoyed this chapter, please let me know by commenting and voting!

xoxo - Mayyy

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