Coffee for the crew

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Your POV:
I look up at him, shocked, I know the kiss was probably staged, but he just kissed my forehead!! Did that mean anything, or was that a friendship thing?
Mark had kissed my head before, probably a friendship thing. "Uh, h-he, hey Jack! Mo-mornin'" I stuttered, god damnit!! "S-sorry, morning" he smiled. I gave him a quick side hug and then shook Felix awake. "Why are we out here by the way?" I chuckle.
"Well Felix and I were trying to bring you to your room, and then we forgot our room key, and we forgot yours too, and mark and ken were fast asleep, so we just slept out here!" Jack laughed at the situation. I giggled, "you guys are so stupid!" I joked and then flicked his nose, then I flicked Felix's nose causing him to flinch. He hadn't fully awaken yet.
"Come on boys, let's get up and dressed for another day with our lovely, awesome friends!!!" I stood up. Felix groaned. I banged on the door and Mark opened up seconds later. "Hey mar- AHH!!" I screamed as Mark picked me up bridal style and then threw me onto Felix's bed. "Dick" I mumbled. He was laughing his ass off, jack didn't seem amused. Mark came over and hugged me. I smiled into the hug. "You get dressed (n/n) [nick name], we'll see you in a few minutes!" Mark said and I left to my own room. I had a quick shower, then I dried my body and hair. I pulled out a youtube play button t-shirt out of my suitcase and put on some skinny jeans and converse to match it. I did my hair up into a messy bun and put some make up on. Just as I finished up, there was a knock on the door.
I walked up to the door, with my bag on my back, all set and ready to go. I opened the door and all the guys were standing there, surprisingly, all of them had their YouTube play button shirt on too!! We all laughed at the coincidence and then we left.
We got there after a short car journey. I was standing in between mark and felix, Jack was next to mark and ken next to Felix. I was the only girl and it was awesome! We walked in all bad ass, we encountered a few of the early fans.
We took photos with them, signed things and talked for a bit. Then we had to set up. I got an extra mic just incase. I hope I don't get called on though. I don't want to have to get kissed or kiss. I mean, by jack, maybe... By mark, i was ok with that, but it still put me in a really awkward situation.
People started flooding in an the four boys got ready. Today I would have Bob and Wade to keep me company. I started chatting to the two until I heard a very familiar voice, Ian Hecox.
"Guys, I'll be right back!" I said, they nodded and I ran over to Ian, tackling him into a hug. We both laughed. "Anthony couldn't make it today, so I just came instead!" He smiled, I smiled back. "Loser" I chuckled and he laughed. we walked back to bob and wade. They seemed to act awkward with Ian. Then Ian finally spoke. "Bob, Wade, I'm really sorry about the other day. We were drunk, and I know I said things I shouldn't have said" he looked down in shame. They both smiled. "We're sorry too man!" They both said.
The four guys went on and started their show while bob, wade, Ian and I were joking around.
Then I heard in the background. "Is (y/n) single?!" A couple of voices yelled. My heart dropped. Shitty shit shit and the shitferbrains of shitty town!!!! "Are you single (y/n)?" Ian asked. "We all saw what happened between you and mark an you and jack..." Bob added.
"I am single, it was just a dare..." My voice trailed off.
After another 20 minutes, they took questions.
"Ok, so I know what happened yesterday... We know (y/n) is here. So (y/n), what happened to you and Anthony? #(your and Anthony's ship name)!!" A girls voice said. A member of staff quickly ran up to me, telling me they are turning my mic on, but not to go on stage.
"Hey guys! It's (Yt/n)!!! I'm a ghooooost!!" I joked "but seriously, I am single and Anthony an I are best friends. We aren't dating" I stated. I heard a few sad 'aw's coming from the crowd. "But I'm here!!!" Ian shouted into my mic. "Ian! Piss off!!" I yelled and we laughed.
The show went on.
Ian left 10 minutes before the end to avoid being trampled on. Wade, Bob and I just hung out for the last 10 minutes. We talked about YouTube, about my life, about Felix, about them. The boys came off of the stage. They were all buzzing. Thank god i didn't have to join them, no more kissing for me!!
"Hey guys!! You all did great! I'm going back to the hotel to film with Bob and Wade, but after that, can we all meet at the Starbucks close to the hotel, and mind if I invite Smosh?" I asked. "No problem. We all sorted things out through text even after the apologies. Cya then!" Mark smiled.
"Bye guys!" The other three said.
I turned around to start walking when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around Sean.
"Hey (y/n), are we still on for coffee some time soon? It didn't really work out yesterday... Maybe another time?" He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Oh yeah sure!!" I smiled. We said our good byes and then I left with Wade and Bob.
"I call shotgun!!" I yelled as I ran frantically towards the car. The boys followed and laughed at my stupidness. Bob was driving and wade was in the back.

My brother, my best friend & my boyfriend (a Jacksepticeye x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now