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Jacks POV:
Felix was pissed at me for the rest of the day. I could see it. He also seemed to be pissed off at Mark.
Then it hit me,
She kissed back.
I don't know if she kissed mark back, she seems to like him, but she kissed me back!!
I mentally replayed the moment over and over again.
I was then, after about 5 minutes of my daydreaming, shook awake by mark.
"Dude, have you seen (Y/n), we can't find her, she left early, I think she went back home" he said. My heart dropped. We were gonna have coffee. I frowned.
"I think you won best kisser" he joked, I punched his arm playfully. "But seriously dude. Do you like (y/n)?" He asked.
Millions of situations played out in my mind. Most of them, ended with me hurt.
"No." Is all I said. He nodded, a slight smile on his face.
"Do you?" I asked. The jealousy was building up.
"I, uh... Yeah" he sighed.
"Ok then" I looked down at my feet. This was really awkward. What if she didn't enjoy the kiss. What if I pushed her into kissing me back. What is she didn't want to.
I felt really bad for her now. God damn it jack!!
After an hour of signing, we finally made it back to the hotel. I was still sad about the whole coffee thing, and mark liking her too. What if he makes another move on her.
Stupid mark.
We all walked into the hotel room. 3 beds and a couch.
"I'll take the couch guys" mark said. I honestly couldn't care. Yeah ok Mark is my best friend, but I was kinda mad at him right now. The two others protested, I stayed silent.
"Jack, buddy? You ok?" Mark asked.
"Fine..." I said coldly. I could feel Felix's glare and Ken and Marks confusion.
"I'm going to go to sleep, tomorrow's another day" I said.
Felix mumbled something, I couldn't make out what though. I bet it had something to do with me kissing his little sister.

We were all in our own beds when the door rang. Felix and I both stood up to take it an the other two groaned in annoyance. He walked up to the door with me not too far behind.
He opened it up to reveal a tired (y/n).
She collapsed into Felix's arms, "couldn't sleeeeep" she said tiredly.
I giggled a bit, she did too. Felix let her in and they sat on his bed. I sat on mine. We just talked about YouTube until she drifted off onto Felix's shoulder.
We laughed a bit, then we talked a bit more.
Wait, Felix, I just want to say sorry about kissing your sister like that. I shouldn't have done that..."
"No, jack, it wasn't your fault. Yeah you kissed her. But so did mark, sorry for all those dirty looks..." His voice trailed off but he chuckled a bit.
"You shouldn't be apologising. I truly am sorry. I just... Uh, never mind" I said awkwardly.
"You just?" I could make out a smirk, through the darkness.
"Doesn't matter" I laughed a bit.
"Right, well I going to sleep on the floor because this fatty took up my bed. Otherwise I could just let her sleep with me or mark" he suggested.
"Better with you, mark could kiss her again!" I joked.
"So could you!" He laughed.
"Good night Felix" I laughed and tucked myself in.
"Night!" He said. And placed (y/n) onto his bed delicately and he scooted in beside her. He wasn't going to have a good sleep tonight.
"Hey Felix," I whispered.
"Yeah" he whispered back.
"We could just carry her back to her room right?"
"Right... Mind helping. I think she's 3 rooms down?" He hesitated.
I nodded but he wouldn't have seen. I helped pick her up. She was light. We carried her to the room we thought was hers, then we heard a door close.
We both looked at eachother. We could see eachother, the hallway was lit.
"Oh fuck" we said in unison.
"Ok, well did you grab the room key?" I asked. He froze.
We walked back to the door, (y/n) still in hands.
We knocked. No answer.
After 10 minutes of banging the door, we realised there was no use, we were locked out and Ken and Mark were asleep.
We got as comfy as we could against the wall of the stuffy corridor. (Y/n) sat between us, her head then fell onto my shoulder. I blushed and Felix laughed.
Eventually, after a few more minutes of laughing at our situation, we fell asleep.
We woke up the next morning. (Y/n) was awake, but still, she had her head on my shoulder.
She looked up at me, I smiled and she jumped, realising I was awake.
"Mornin' sleepy" she booped my nose. We both then blushed.
I kissed her head, leaving us both in shock!

My brother, my best friend & my boyfriend (a Jacksepticeye x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now