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It was time for me to start getting ready for my little "date" with THE joe sugg, I smiled. Maybe it could become something, I didn't know if I would want anything with him though. I like him, but never to the extent that I would be in love with him... But you never know... Maybe?
I put on a cute skirt with mario characters on it on, and a black sweater over my black Pewdiepie tank top. Leggings went on under that and a cute pair of pumps. I was satisfied with the way I looked, which never usually occurs to me. I smiled and headed downstairs to see Joe sitting at the dining table with Felix. "Well you look nice!" Joe exclaimed, he seemed much more confident in person than on the phone earlier on. "Joe and I were just talking about collaborating, what do ya think?" Felix smiled, this is the first date I've been on since Dennis. He was proud of me. I was proud of me. Even though I knew this wouldn't become a serious relationship, I could still enjoy myself!
We said our good byes and Joe and I left. We were going to the cinema, he said earlier on the phone. This DIDN'T look like a cinema. There were paparazzi everywhere, we walked down a red carped while joe had his photo taken. I then realised where we were. Joe had starred in the newest spongebob movie a while ago, the premier was postponed, and this was it, now, I was his date. This might be a big deal to Joe, but this seriously was getting annoying, already. He hasn't spoken to me since we got out of the car which was about, I look at my phone, 30 minutes ago. Fans were all over him, he didn't seem to notice me alone. I ended up talking to one of the security guards, who happened to be a huge fan of mine. It was kind of weird but I guess my channel reaches out to not only young but old people. He was a nice guy. Not too old, 30 I think. He didn't look like pervert material... Just a genuine guy.
When we walked inside, joe still not to be seen, we were all escorted into a huge cinema room where we all sat down. I spotted joe, 3 rows down to the right. He was with some girl, I couldn't help but get jealous, this was my date too. I called Felix towards the end of the movie, I didn't want to sit there any longer. I don't know why Joe thought that his premier would be a good date, he would just be swarmed by people, leaving me to my own thoughts. I told Felix my thoughts about the whole situation, he was coming to pick me up in a few minutes, I decided to wait outside to avoid Joe spotting me leave. Moments later, of course, Joe comes running out.
"(Y/n)!! Where were you, I've been looking for you all night!"
"Right, did you ask that other girl to help you look for me too," I said as I smiled sarcastically, "Joe, I really like you, I really do. But honestly, I didn't think this would become anything. I'm really sorry Joe, can we please stay friends. I love hanging out with you and I would hate to have to lose you" I explained.
"(Y/n), I'm really sorry, I know I should have been with you tonight. Sorry, andm, as the night went by, I also kind of thought the same thing. You're a really pretty, funny and awesome girl and any guy would be lucky to have you, but I don't think I'm worth that. And I don't think we were meant to be anyway, sorry about tonight. And of course we will stay friends!" He smiled and I smiled back as Felix pulled in. "Oh and (y/n)," he pulled my wrist, I spun round and the last thing he said was, "this doesn't mean I don't still have a huge crush on you" he whispered, I giggled and waved goodbye. I got into the car and Felix seemed upset.
"Felix... What's wrong?" I asked concerned,
"(Y/n), sorry I let you go out with that guy. Really and truly, sorry!" He apologised, why?
"Felix, what the jelly, bro? No need to say sorry. We worked it out in the end, we're just going to stay in the 'friend zone'" I smiled and Felix put his free arm around my shoulder, giving me a one arm hug.
When we got back, Marzia was up editing, when she heard us, she rushed out of her room, she wanted to know exactly, what happened. I told her everything. She listened very carefully, it was kinda funny!
Anyway, later in, Felix, Marzia and I just decided to play some just dance which was hilarious and then I went to bed. In bed, I sat up on my laptop watching my favorite youtuber, other than Felix of course...----!

Hahahah!! I feel so evil now!! I'm not tellin'!! You'll have to stick around till later on when the last two roles are revealed! And some of you guys thought you would end up with Joe, NOPE! It's one of the two remaining bæ's❤️
To be continued...

My brother, my best friend & my boyfriend (a Jacksepticeye x Reader fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora