chapter 11

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   One Direction Fan-fiction

         Chapter 11

We all went to pack for the beach. Zayn and I went to our room, finding a bag to have our things in. I found a pair of swimwear and a towel from the bathroom.

    “Why did Cassie scream earlier?” Zayn asked as he put his swimwear and towel into the bag as well. I could feel my cheek get hot and turned my back at him as I answered. “Oh, she just got … surprised,” I said trying to hide my face.

    “Why? She’d already heard you knock?”

    “She didn’t expect to see me, I guess,” I really tried to sound normal. But somehow I didn’t succeed.

    “Okay …”

We went out to the living-room. The sun was already shinning bright. Louis, Niall and Liam were in the garden playing football (or what some would call soccer).

    “Hey, play me, I’m free,” I said as I ran out to them followed by Zayn.

    “Okay, Harry you’re with Louis and Zayn’s with me and Niall,” Liam said playing Zayn the ball. We played for a while it the ball ended up being stocked between the house and some bushes. I went to get it. I walked towards it when I heard Cassie and Jenny talk on the other side of the open window.I wondering whether to stop and listen or quickly get the ball and run, but then I heard my name and it was too tempting not to eavesdrop. I knew it was wrong but hearing them mention me made me want to know what they were saying.

    “-Louis told me. Harry had carried you from the terrace to you bedroom last night in his arms. You were sleeping to tight he didn’t want to wake you up,” Jenny said. I bent down to get the ball out from the bushes.

    “Really? I don’t remember that at all … Then he must have been the one helping me out of my clothes as well … God, that embarrassing. This morning, when he went to tell me breakfast was ready, he walked in to see me standing in nothing but a towel! God, what else did I make him do last night,” Cassie sad hiding her face in her hands by embarrassing. Now the conversation inside was getting embarrassing for me as well, maybe I should walk back to the boys again.

    “Should I change to a bikini now or later?” Cassie asked taking up a new topic.

    “Well I’m already in mine,” Jenny said looking down herself.

    “Okay, I’ll just change here then, the boys outside anyway.”

    “Oh my – I gotta get out of here,” I thought to myself as I began walking out of the bushes. I put the ball on the ground just outside the bushes making it look like I just got there.

    “Um, Cassie-” Jenny said and I turn my head to look at Cassie, stripping off. I quickly turned by face the other way, blushing.

    “-maybe you should pull the curtains before … you know – get naked,” Jenny continued in a nervous tone.

    Cassie turned around just in time to see me standing there with the ball at my feet, looking at her for a fraction of a second before I turned away and she pulled the curtains. Fuck! I was busted! I had been – fuck it! Why, Harry? You’re such a--. I hit the ball and the others continued playing for a while till Jenny and Cassie finally got out. I felt more embarrassed than ever, knowing that she’d seen me.

    We all got into Jenny and Cassie’s cars. Louis, Zayn and Jenny in one and the rest of us were to drive with Cassie. Actually, right now I’d rather drive with Jenny but I could say that, it would sound wrong - somehow. Besides I'd survive ... right? 

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