Chapter 10- Game Time

Start from the beginning

"Hello darling."

I froze.


The dark image walks over to me revealing his face.


"Baby, I missed you." He quickly grabs the heel from my hand before I can hit him with it.

"What are you doing here?"

"Aw, is that what you tell your boyfriend."

"Your not my boyfriend!" I spit.

He looked at me with a cold gaze. Ticked his tongue then grabbing my neck and pushing my body to the wall.

"Jordan I been gone for three years and you forget about me." Tightening his grip. I kicked him in his best friend.

Running up the stairs to room close to locking the door he bursts right in.

"Aw, darling. You ran to the bedroom you must miss me." Smirking.


He just chuckled walking towards me. Every step he took I walked one back. Soon I ran out of room and landed on the bed I scooted away from him.

He pulls me by my leg and falls down on my body. I screamed at the top of my lungs fighting him off me.

"Oh please be quiet we haven't even stared."

"Get off me you bastard." I shrieked.

His weight was too much for me. He slides his hands into mine. Pulling them far apart from each other.

Soon I felt something wrap around my arm.

He tied a rope around my arms to the bed so I couldn't move.

I fought him with my legs but he slapped my right thigh so hard I go numb. He tied my legs up soon after.

He grips my face turning it towards his face. Smirking he forces his tongue into my mouth.

"Stop! Please stop!"

"No darling you either follow on with me or you die." Staring me down.

"Die?" I repeated.

"Yes you will die. Oh before I forget if you open your mouth about this to Damar or anyone I'll kill him and you. Do we have an agreement." He says smiling.

I just laid their crying because no matter what I can't do anything. I'm scared and not only is my life on the line Damar is too.

"You're mine Jordan." He says cutting my pants off me with scissors exposing my skin to the air.

I don't say anything.

"Aw, your already wet." Taking his hands and roaming through my lips down below. I arch my back and try to close my legs but the knots around my ankles are tight.

Soon I felt his tongue touch me down below. I groan mad at myself that I'm enjoying this.

"So you like it huh mommy." He says looking up at me.

"I hate you Chris!" I say my head thrown back.

"Oh, is that so?" Then before I know it his tongue goes up and down all around me down below.

I let out a breath "shit."

Soon he slides inside me. I began to cry I don't want him!

He finishes off using me. He kisses me on my cheek I flinch at his touch.

"I'm coming to get you soon." He says. Grabbing me towards him.

"I don't want to be with you." Avoiding eye contact. " You just raped me!"

"Sorry darling had too missed you."

I roll my eyes.

"Remember what I said," Chris says getting up and heading towards my bedroom door. " If you tell anyone about what just happened I will kill you and Damar." With that he walks out the door. Shouting out at me "I love you."

I looked at the door and began to curse my life. God why do you bring this upon me! Why!

I walk downstairs to the kitchen. I feel so lonely so confused. I look around my house I can't even tell Damar or he'll die and me too.

I feel like this will end once I die. I walk over to my knife section and picked out the biggest knife. Pressed it against my fingers till I saw a red dot of blood.

I'm sobbing now with the knife in my hand. I dropped it on the counter and grabbed my plates on the rack and slammed it down the floor. Shouting "fuck my life! God just kill me!" Over and over.

I fall down to the ground. I grabbed the knife and held it up towards my chest. I can't even think clearly. I take a deep breath raising the knife up with Damar voice in my head saying 'I love you" over 'How'll he will be there for me forever'. I cry more and more with the thought of Chris touching him.

I raise the knife higher. "Chris you can't play with me and my life if there is no me!"

I am ready to end it.

Game over bitches.


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