In Love Love

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I glanced over at Pony, only to see he had fallen asleep.  Granted it was about two in the morning and all we had been doing was watching the stars--some weird obsession of his that I didn't quite get--but still.

I was wide awake, laying on the ground in the lot next to him. 

For some weird reason, I though Ponyboy looked undeniably cute at the moment, asleep like that with the light from the small fire we had built flickering across his face.  His greased hair shone in the light and he looked...peaceful?  He had thrown his jacket across himself like a blanket and I could only see one side of his face cause his head was turned away from me, but he looked so young and innocent at the moment. 

I had this weird feeling to just let him sleep so I could stare at him a while longer...thanks for making this creepy, brain.

"Ponyboy," I said his name in a low voice.  "Pony," I said again, a bit more loudly as I shook his shoulder.

He stirred and shifted some so now he was facing me, and, just for hopes of scaring him, I lay on my stomach with my face flush with his.

I gave him another rough shake, and his eyes flew open, a bleary, "What?" coming out of his mouth.

I smiled slightly as I stared into his greeny-gray eyes and said softly,  "You just might want to wake up and go home before your brother finds out and kills you."

He smiled back and mumbled sleepily, " Well then you should probably do the same," smarting off.

I narrowed my eyes at Pony and responded haughtily, "One, I wasn't sleeping, and two, I don't care if Dally yells at or tries to kill me.  You're the one that freaks out every time I suggest something fun, so therefore you're the one that cares if his brother kills him or not."

"I do not," he objected and then added, "But that might have something to do with the fact that everything you think is fun happens to be illegal."

"No duh," I answered like it was obvious, smirking as I got to my feet and then extending a hand to help Pony up.

He grabbed it and I had no problem pulling him to his feet, and he slung an arm over my shoulders as we started walking across the lot.

"You know I never actually said I was going home," I commented, and Pony gave me a what-in-the-world-are-you-talking-about look.

"What?  I'm not tired so it doesn't pay for me to go home, cause all I'd do is go to bed," I explained.

"So what are you going to do?  Stay out all night by yourself?" he inquired.

"It's not like I haven't done it before," I scoffed.

Pony just shook his head and gave in, "Fine, cause I know I can't get you to change your mind."

"Wow, you are learning," I teased sarcastically, but he just smiled.

We stopped on the sidewalk in front of his house and I moved his arm off of me, sick of it by now.

"Goodnight.  Don't let yourself get killed, or thrown in jail, or drunk, or in a fight..." Pony joked but the trailed off, even though it looked like he wanted to say something else.

"Same goes for you.  Or at least two of the four if Darry wakes up and starts yelling at you," I replied and then called a, "Goodnight," over my shoulder as I walked away down the street.  But I couldn't help but wonder if I was falling in love love with Ponyboy Curtis.

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