Well Played

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Note to Readers: Sorry I haven't updated this story in forever, but I hope you like it.

Pony woke up to the sound of Darry yelling at him to get up.  He groggily climbed out of bed and trudged to the bathroom to take a shower, catching a glance of his reflection in the mirror as he turned the water on.  He did a double take, gaping at his reflection in the mirror.

His hair wasn't it's normal reddish-brown.  It was pink.  Pink!  He grabbed at it, trying to see if it was actually real, and then turned and stormed into the living room.

"Two-Bit, what the hell did you do to my hair?!" Pony demanded, and everyone turned to see what he was talking about.  And cracked up laughing.

"I didn't do anything, but whoever did is a genius!" Two-Bit exclaimed, laughing so hard he could barely talk.

"It's not funny!  Soda, did Steve convince you to do this?" Pony accused his brother.

"No," Soda choked out, being honest but trying his hardest to keep from laughing.

"I wish I had thought to dye your hair pink, you look like a dork," Steve said, grinning like a fool himself.

"Well I know Johnny didn't do it, and neither did Darry, so who did?" Pony asked bitterly, still mad and shooting a glare at Dally.

"Wasn't me, kid.  I don't have the time or the ambition to do your hair," Dal answered dryly, entirely serious but still sarcastic.

Pony growled and then muttered, "I'm going to try and wash this stuff out."

"It won't come out," someone said, and he turned to see Tara had spoken.

"How do you know?" he snapped at her, clearly very mad about his hair.

She wordlessly held up her hands, and her fingertips were all stained pink.

Pony's eyes widened in disbelief and he asked incredulously, "Why did you dye my hair?"

"Remember on April Fool's Day," she started casually, "When I said I'd do something on a day that wasn't April Fool's."

"Well played," Steve complimented her, still not able to keep a smirk off his face a single time he glanced at Pony.

Pony gave Tara a look and shook his head, saying flatly, "Sometimes I hate you."

"I know," she answered simply in the same tone as him, but she couldn't keep a smile off her face either.

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