Whatever You Want to Call It

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Pony wrapped his arms around me from behind and then kissed me on the lips when I turned to look at him. 

I pulled away but couldn't keep the smile creeping onto my lips hidden as I turned to face him.

He kissed me again, pulling me close and tangling his fingers in my hair.

For once I didn't even mind, and I kissed him back a lot longer than usual.  I felt all warm and tingly inside, and I was really happy for no reason whatsoever at the moment.  I only pulled away when Soda, Steve, and Two-Bit came into the yard and saw us on the porch.

"Guys, look!  Pony's got a girlfriend," Two-Bit exclaimed sarcastically.

"Nah, I'm just a friend with benefits," I said with a grin, masking the fact that I was suddenly acutely aware of the fact that my arms were still draped across Pony's shoulders and he had one hand still in my hair at the back of my head and the on my lower back. God, we were turning into Johnny and Kate, I thought, pulling away.  Damn it, now I could feel my cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

Steve smirked and jeered, "Someone got caught doing something naughty."

"Trust me Steve, you've been caught doing much worse with girls," Pony smarted off.

"Watch your mouth kid, or you'll be sorry," Steve snapped threateningly at Pony before disappearing into the house after Two-Bit.

Soda grinned at us and remarked, "Never thought I'd see the day when I catch my little brother making-out with Dally's little sister.  Better be careful Dally doesn't catch you, Ponyboy," Soda said with a wink.

"It was not making-out," I shot back, but Pony and Soda just gave me matching smirks.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Two-Bit or Steve'll tell him before he catches us," Pony remarked as Soda went inside, too.

I shot Pony a glare but he just teased, "You know, technically that was making-out."

"Was not," I objected, but he just smiled.

"Whatever you want to call it, it seems like you liked it," he called me out.

"Fine, maybe I did.  But you're not kissing me on your front porch anymore," I gave in, shoving him on the arm.

He ducked down and kissed me quickly one more time and then I shoved him hard enough that he stumbled and tripped on the porch steps, sprawling on the lawn face first.  I busted up laughing but then dashed in the house when he humped to his feet and started chasing after me.

It may have been making out, and I may have liked it, but no way was I going to admit to it.

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