28 - Halloweeeeeeen

Start from the beginning

"Alright.. See you.." She hung up and immediately kissed her girlfriend. "We're late." "When are we not!" Kendall giggled. "I honestly can't think of anything!"


"Hello guys!" Cara and Kendall walked inside the Jenner house. "Auntie Cara!" Mason rushed over to cara. She happily picked him up. "Hey buddy!" She kissed his cheek and put him down. "Auntie Cara!" He said again. Cara smiled. "Mason!" She returned the excitement.

Kendall had already greeted all her sisters and cait and was waiting for Cara to do so as well. Kylie was wearing a Catwoman costume. "Hey Kylie." She smiled. "Hey Cara." Kylie seemed more friendly.

"How's your  hooollloooweeeen going?" She asked Kourtney in a witchy tone. "Goood my child! Want an apple?" She took out a red apple from her cloak. Cara laughed and hugged her. "No thanks! Save it for later!"

Khloe was wearing a prisoners' outfit. "Hey." She coldly greeted. "Hey!" Cara hugged her unexpectedly. She wanted to have Kendall's sisters on her side. Before she parted from her someone shouted "Booo!" Cara jumped up and screamed. "Hey Kim!" She hugged her as well.

"Who are you?" Kim was wearing a decent outfit. Cara couldn't put her hand on it. "Who are you?" Cara frowned in confusion. "I'm Kris Jenner!" She turned around so Cara could have a closer look. "This is..." She laughed real hard. Soon, Kendall joined her along with Kim. "This is brilliant!" "Mom doesn't agree!"

Kris came up to Cara and smiled. "Hi!" She was the dead bride. "Hey Kris!" Caitlyn was wearing a simple t shirt with a skeleton on it. "Hello." She coldly greeted. "Hello." North and Penelope were matching zombies.

"You guys look precious!" Kim complimented. Kanye was walking behind Kendall. Cara was about to greet him but he put his hand on his mouth. Signaling her to be silent.

"Really this is like the house of horro.." "BRAIN!" Kendall was about to fall down to the ground but luckily, Cara grabbed her frame. "Oh Kenny I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you this much!" He apologized. "BOO!" He jumped back himself because Kim scared him. "We're pretty much fair now." Kendall giggled.

Cara was still holding her waist. "Auntie Cara!" Mason exclaimed excitedly. "Yes?" Cara bent down on her knees. "Can you help me wear my costume?" "Yeah sure Mase!" She grinned. Kanye fixed his Zombie outfit a bit.

"Upstairs third room on the right." Kendall instructed her. "Thanks." She walked up with mason. "Who are you going to be?" Cara asked. "Superman!" "Mase, you already are a super man!" "Thanks!" He smiled.


"Here... Oh..Kay! Superman!" Cara finished his outfit's final touch. "Do I look good?" He questioned. "You look great." Cara smiled. "Auntie Cara wait a second." He excitedly demanded. "Alright.." He ran out.

"Mason! Cara!" Kendall opened the door to be greeted with Cara sitting on the couch. "Where's mase?" "He said he'd be back real quick." Kendall grinned. "We wanted to go trick or treating with Northie and P. I wanted to see if you guys wanted to come."

Cara stood up and walked to her. "I would go anywhere with you." She lightly pecked her lips. "Auntie Cara!" Mason opened the door. They pulled away immediately. "Oh.. Never mind!" "Mason!" "No.." "Mason!" He ran away.

Cara ran after him immediately. "Mase wait!" He walked ran his room with Cara right after him. "I couldn't let her see her birthday present this early!" He explained. "Oh! That's.. Okay.. Can I have a look?" He nodded and handed the paper in his tiny hands to Cara.

It was a picture of the whole family with basic lines, an auntie Kendall and auntie Cara behind a cake. "This is very beautiful." Mason blushed. "That cake is auntie Kendall's birthday cake!" He illustrated excitedly.

"You drew me too aww!" Cara kissed his cheek. "You are my auntie! Of course!" He protested. Cara kissed his cheek one more time. "And you're my nephew." He nodded smiling. "Did you want to go trick or treating?" Mason nodded. "Come on then!" Cara extended her hand. He grabbed it and followed her outside.

"Kendall gave Cara a questioning gaze. She just nodded her head. Kendall let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and guided them all out to the car.


"It's so crazy there aren't any trick or treaters in the neighborhood. Kendall sighed. "We can't go into town. You know how crazy papz can get." Cara looked around carefully. "Babe do you realize we're at Karlie and Taylor's neighborhood?" Kendall asked. Cara looked around more carefully. "Oh yeah! Why don't we surprise them?" "Taylor swift?" Mason asked excitedly. "Yeah!"


"Mommy! Mommy! We saw Taylor and Karlie!" North screamed as she walked into the house. "Oh really?" Kim asked excitedly. "Yeah!" "How were they?" "They were so nice! She gave me loads of candy!" "That's lovely."

Caitlyn stared at her and frowned. "Kendall! Come here." Kendall nodded and followed her to the room.

"Kendall do you know what you're doing?" Kendall frowned.
"What are you talking about?"
"What did you take my grandchildren to see a filthy sinner!"
"Your being friends with that bisexual rat Cara is also bothering me!" She exclaimed.
"You will not be friends with her and don't you dare try and mislead my granadchildren into thinking that this.. Disgusting lifestyle is okay!"

The world was spinning around her head. She didn't know how to react to these words. She was deeply hurt. She shook her head. "Too bad your daughter's one of them dad."
She walked out slamming the door. "Kendall Nicole! Come back here.


So... What do you think? What's going to happen?

Cake Recipe! ( Cara and Kendall ) Lesbian storiesWhere stories live. Discover now