30 - Shit Just Got Real

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Kendall slowly opened her eyes. Rays of sunlight were making it almost impossible for her to continue her most pleasant slumber ever as they were shining on her eyelids mercilessly. As soon as Kendall regained a little bit of her contiousness a huge smile made its way to her lips.

Events of last night were on replay in her mind. All the memories with the girl holding her body frame. Cara had made sure her last birthday as a teenager turned out to be the best one she ever had. Kendall softly ran her fingers through the necklace. Her smile grew wider than it was before.

She felt Cara's body twist. The gentle stroke on her cheek let her know Cara was up. "Morning birthday girl." Cara whispered huskily. "Morning." Kendall kissed the top of her naked girlfriend's head.

"What is it like being twenty?" Cara questioned as she turned on her side to examine Kendall's facial features for the thousandth time. "It's great. Because I'm with you." Kendall returned the loving gaze. Cara could no longer resist the gorgeous girl before her eyes. She leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips. She cuddled even closer.

"You're really comfy." Kendall confessed. Cara giggled at Kendall's now stable and fluent British. "What?" "Nothing." "Come on tell me-" Cara kissed her one more time. She couldn't get enough of those kisses. "Your accent."


"Why can't you fucking pick it up?" Kylie yelled out of frustration. "Kylie will you calm it please?" Khloe asked. "NO! I can't! Kendall's in the deepest shit she has ever been!" Kylie sighed. "Are you sure you don't know where she is?" Kourtney asked.

"Of course not! I would at least tell her not to come home as planned!" Kylie sighed again. "Whoever leaked those pictures.." Khloe mused. "All of you! That's it! Calm down!" Kim stood up for everyone.

"Where's mom and Cait?" She asked Kylie. "Upstairs at mom's office." She replied. "Dammit!" Khloe cursed.

Sound of a car engine was heard through the heavy silence. "That's Kanye." Kim commented and walked up to open the door for him. As soon as he had found out about pictures' leaking he had canceled his concert. He was now here to help Kendall, his sister in law through all of this.

"Hey guys." He smiled. Kim loved that about her husband. No matter how hard it got or how unpleasant the whole situation was, kanye never failed to stay positive. "How are you?" Everyone greeted him bluntly. "Where's Kenny?" He asked.

"No idea at all. Last, she was on a ship with Cara and now.. No idea." Khloe shrugged. "I'm so scared right now." Kourtney sighed. "Mom never said anything bad about us ever. She was overly mad this morning when she found out." She let kanye know about the recent news in the kardashian/Jenner household.

"I don't even want to get started on Caitlyn." Kylie laughed bitterly. "She was mad as hell..." Kim stopped when they heard footsteps approaching them. "Is Kendall here yet?" Kris asked holding her phone in one hand. "No mom." Kylie scowled. "Where the hell is she?" She barked and walked upstairs once again.

"I already feel like this won't go smooth." Kanye was searching for the best words to put this up with. "It's obvious." Khloe sighed. She lit a cigarette in her hands. "Oh Kenny.." She was about to continue but the sound of another engine pulled her out of her thoughts.

She rushed to the door and opened it to reveal a very happy cara dropping Kendall off. Kendall was soon attacked by the paparazzi. She hardly made it to their door. "Ugh finally! Princess Kendall arrived." Kylie muttered. She was happy that at least her sister was alive.

"Hey! Whole gang's up here!" Kendall grinned and hugged kanye. He hugged her back reluctantly. "What's with the tension everyone?" Kendall's cheerful mood seemed stable. "Kendall do you seriously not know?" Kylie asks in disbelief. "Know what?"

Cake Recipe! ( Cara and Kendall ) Lesbian storiesWhere stories live. Discover now