Just as Jule was going to ask more, double chaining doors opened. There was a loud creak, that had let the people know inside of their arrival. Jule widened her eyes as she looked over the spacious room. The walls were stone bricked, banners hung beside the oval shaped windows, candle lit from each other, even though it was still daytime. Jule them brought her gaze to the people, and she saw many.

There were guards on opposite sides of the walls, standing firmly and silent. They didn't once glance at her, or Ace and his father. She was amazed, but when she looked forward, that's what shocked her. On a throne chair, sat a marvelous woman.

"Roia, enchantress of foresight." Ace whispered. Jule turned her head around to look at him, and he was staring at Roia. Jule turned back, instantly fascinated by the appearance the enchantress revealed.

Silky, auburn hair braided in down her shoulder. Blue eyes that lit up the room with each step they took. Frock, is green and dashing. Smile that could make anyone melt if they stared long enough. Her flair...it was perfect. Jule usually wouldn't envy anyone when it came to looks, but she had the looks and the title.

Ramus stepped forward, walking along the carpet to stop in front of her. She smiled at Ramus, then Ace, afterwards to Jule. Jule waved awkwardly, smiling as well. She didn't know how to start a conversation with practically a queen. Luckily, Ace was the one to make the first move. He stepped forward, bowing down respectfully. "Enchantress, it's been so long."

Enchantress smiled wider, lifting her hand. Jule widened her eyes as she watched sparks of blue and green swirl from her fingers, traveling towards Ace. He was suddenly standing up with a straight back, a but perplexed. Jule wasn't! She was amazed. Though, it would be more exciting if she saw the Enchantress fight with her powers.

Ace smiled, adjusting himself. "Thank you, enchantress." Enchantress nodded. "We are here in Neco in search for- "

"I know of your plans, dear Acelon."

Woah! Jule was shocked, by two things. One, the enchantress knew what they came here for. Two, Ace's real name is Acelon. As if knowing Jule's shock, he glanced at her. Jule raised her eyebrows, she figured it was because she found his name.

"Jule," Jule brought her gaze over to the enchantress, "is in search for her parents and you are aiding in her conquest. You've come to me for guidance to enter the abyss."

Damn, she's good. Jule honestly couldn't get how she would know that, she was probably a- Jule gasped, smiling tremendously. "Are you the legendary Seer, Tilphina?!"

All eyes were now cast on Jule, they were silent. They were silently judging, and Jule held her hands up defensively. "Hey, its a question." The silence lasted longer, pairs of eyes were still on Jule. It began to irritate her, thinking their eyes should on the prize. An enchantress. Still, stares. Awkward silence.

Abruptly, there was a light giggle that echoed across the room. Now all eyes were on the enchantress, and Jule groaned in agitation. They're all creepy, and annoying. Enchantress continued to giggle, smiling widely at Jule. She didn't readjust herself until Ramus coughed purposely. Enchantress then widened her eyes in recognition, and stopped laughing.

Still, she smiled at Jule. "No, I am not."

Jule tilted her head, frowning. "But you know the future."

Enchantress nodded. "Yes, I do. That is why I was given a title, enchantress of foresight. But the Seer Tilphina, had not been heard in decades."

Jule nodded, opening her mouth to say something else. Unfortunately, Ace interrupted. "Will you help us, Enchantress?"

Enchantress smiled, closing her eyes for a brief second before reopening them. "I am sorry, but I cannot aid you in your search." Ace frowned, eyes filled with confusion. Jule however, glared. She didn't understand why the enchantress couldn't help. Just as she was going to ask, the enchantress had already answered. "You have all you need to find the abyss."

Ace frowned. "I do not understand."

"A book. Jule has found a book that was placed in another realm, it aided her to find you." Jule widened her eyes, stunned. The book she got from geeks! She looked at Ace, he was looking at her too. He then nodded, pulling it out of his bag.

Jule looked at the enchantress. "It helped me find Ace!"

Enchantress nodded. "Yes, and it will guide you to the abyss."

"But it only helped me once."

"It shall help you once more."

Jule smiled. "Thank you, but I have one more question."

Enchantress gave a warm smile. "Yes?"

"Are you the one that gave me the message in that book?"

Enchantress sighed. "No, I am afraid not."

"But you know who it is?"

"No. I'm afraid the person who did, lived in ancient times. For even I, do not know who that is."

Jule frowned, wanting to ask more. But Ace stopped her, grabbing a hold of her arm to dragging her away. Ignoring her glare, he smiled at the enchantress. "Thank you, enchantress." Jule rolled her eyes as he dragged her out of the room, she was irritated. By him.


They both turned around, the enchantress was smiling. Again. "You've had a long journey, and more to come. Please, rest here for the night. You shall leave in the morning, if you please."

Jule smiled, she would finally get some rest. In a bed. Ace bowed, Jule could seem him smile as well. "As you wish, Enchantress."

The Forbidden Touch From the Abyss (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now