Chapter 15

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The ugly mermaids swam forward as well as the beautiful ones did as well, Jule widened her eyes as they all clashed onto one another. Sera and Fisa stayed their place, staring at each other longingly. It was tense, Jule could actually feel their hatred radiating off of each other.

There they stayed, daring each other to make a move. Jule never felt so uncomfortable since the day she saw her parents fondling with each other in the kitchen. She shook her head, not willing to think of that at the moment. Then, it was Fisa who made the first move. She lifted her staff, aiming to strike Sera. The attack had hit no one, but her one of her own mermaids. The mermaid screeched, and immediately dissipated.

Sera was suddenly behind Fisa in a swoop, and whacked her head. Jule liked that one, no powers needed. Fisa hollered as she began to roll uncontrollably, knocking down several mermaids on the way. Jule snickered. She looked like an oversized bowling ball.

Adjusting herself, Fisa growled. "Humus!"

The big fish she had encountered earlier, the leader of the other fishes, swam towards Fisa. "Yes?"

Fisa pointed to Sera angrily. "Get that horror of a queen!"

Jule raised her eyebrows, that queen Fisa had it all wrong. It was the other way around, Fisa was the horror. Jule wanted to actually say that, but kept her mouth shut for her life. Humus hollered, it was some random yelling. Jule didn't understand what he was saying, he wasn't even forming words.

Then suddenly the two fishes that were holding Jule's arms, let go of her. They swam towards their leader, as well as others that Jule didn't even see before. The ones that were holding Ace however, did not let him go.

Jule shook her head as she grabbed her sword out of her sheath, trying her best to swim over to Ace. The fishes gathered their weapons, but she had her's at one of their necks first. It was still a risk because there no threat under the other fish. It was a bit interesting to see the fish isn't attacking, and Jule cover think one of thing as to why.

"Lover?" She asked, impatiently waiting for an answer.

The fish scarcely nodded, and Jule smiled. Luck was on her side today. She was glad she had decided to attack them, it gave her a good advantage. She looked at the one she held the sword to at its neck. "Let go of Ace. " She then looked at the other one. "Both of you."

With low murmurs, they each did. Ace shook his arms as he smiled, swimming away while he grabbed his own sword. Jule did the same thing as well, but except she had a bit difficulty. She couldn't swim, so she was trying. She felt Ace grabbed her arm, and bring her back with him. Still, Jule held her sword forward as well as he did. The fishes swam towards them, they were fast.

Jule watched as one of them went for Ace, swinging its weapon. Ace swinged his as well, silently daring for the fish to make a move first. It did, and Ace attacked. Jule couldn't watch any of it because the other one suddenly swam in front her. It swung it's weapon at her head, and Jule yelped as she dodged. She looked towards Ace for help, but he was busy himself fighting. Taking a breath, she raised her sword. Ready to take this thing on by herself.

"No one threatens to kill my beloved." It said with its throaty voice, in a formation ready to charge.

Jule immediately rolled her eyes. That was pathetic. She was going to reply, when the fish gave her no choice and whipped the sword towards her face. Jule dodged, ducking as she swung beneath. The fish tried to block it, but the blade had already hit it's tail. Crimson began to ooze, and float it the water.

Yelling with rage, the fish charged it's whole body forward, Jule bolted. The fish bumped into a mermaid, an ugly one. Which gave a beautiful mermaid the chance to gut it. Jule looked away, disgusted. She looked around for Ace, he was still fighting. She looked for Queen Sera, she was protected by many mermen, which were trying to fight the fishes away. Fisa kept barking orders to her fellow ugly people, sending where her fishes needed to go.

Ace soon came with his bloody sword that was already being washed away by the water. Jule watched as the fish he had just killed floated down. Ace smiled at her, she didn't know why but she smiled back at him. That lasted five seconds before they heard the loudest shrieked known to mankind ever. Jule looked over, the fish she was fighting, looked at it's lover floating down. It immediately looked at Jule and Ace.

"You will die!"

It swam forward, fast. Jule shrieked, but Ace was surprisingly calm. Right when it was in front of them, Ace stabbed it in the middle, looking up at if he were bored. Jule widened her eyes, shocked. She knew she shouldn't be, was certainly not boring. Or at least not to her.


Jule looked around hurriedly, wondering what exactly was going on. She yelped, someone had suddenly grabbed her. She looked to see if it was Ace, but it wasn't. To her horror, it was an ugly mermaid. Jule writhed as she shrieked, revolted. "Someone save me from this thing, it's disgusting!"

The mermaid in return scoffed, pulling out its long tongue. Jule felt her face cringe in disgust, she needed get away. She rather Bigfoot had crushed her. The mermaid stuck out its long towards Jule, and she arched her neck back as much she could. This thing is freaking disgusting! No matter how much Jule tried hard to move her neck, the tongue got closer.

Jule shook her head, refusing to endure any of this. Quickly, Jule elbowed it in the face, the mermaid screeched as it let go of Jule. She fanned her arms, trying to swim up. She didn't do much of a good job, she was sinking. Jule watched as the beautiful mermaids began evacuating, but couldn't see Ace anywhere.

Jule didn't scream for help cause she thought another one of those ugly mermaids would get her, but still...she did. Jule screamed long, and loud. She was sinking down faster, and couldn't do anything about it.

Suddenly she was grabbed again, and she hoped to hell it wasn't that mermaid she elbowed. She looked, and was tremendously relieved. It wasn't Ace, but a merman. She smiled at his beautiful face. Sandy hair with delicious blue eyes, and a cleft chin. There was more, Jule couldn't think of that. She was too fascinated by the fact that she was saved by someone who was beautiful. He smiled at her, flashing white teeth, murmuring how it was going to be alright and he was going to get her to safety.

She nodded, looking around for Ace. The ugly mermaid's were chasing the beautiful ones. Fisa was yelling in rage of cowardly they all were, and Sera was nowhere to be found. The fishes, they were gone. Half were dead, sinking down.

She finally saw Ace, he was swimming with a bunch of mermen, away. But he was looking around as he did so, as of he were looking for someone. For her. Jule waved, indicating she was right there. He couldn't see her right away, for an ugly mermaid attacked. He fought, and soon stabbed it. The mermaid screeched, and dissipated.

When he finally saw her, it was too late. They only meet each others gazes for a second, right before she lost sight of him and everything else.

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