Chapter 10: Hospital

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Nobu had made it back to the village in record time. He made it to the Hokage tower and he was completely exhausted. He burst through the door, making it bang against the wall, practically breaking it off of its hinges.

A vain appeared on Tsunade's forehead, she was annoyed at the sudden barge in and was practically ready to kill whoever had the nerve to just come in like that without permission. She slammed both her hands down on the desk and stood up from her chair. She opened her mouth to scream at the person, but closed it when she noticed Nobu was standing there, panting and looking like he was seconds from fainting.

"What the hells wrong with you Nobu?" Tsunade asked her calming down and sitting back down in her chair. Damn Cats. Tsunade thought, then it hit her. "Wait isn't you, Sasuke, and Naruto suppose to be on a mission?" She asked confused that she didn't see Sasuke nor Naruto and that they had started the mission yesterday and wouldn't be back for about a week.

Nobu growled confirming that. "Well, where are those two?" Nobu whimpered. Tsunade couldn't speak cat, but it didn't take a genius to know that that sound meant that something was wrong. She jumped out of her chair and shouted for Shizune. Her assistant appeared at the door to her office. She noticed the door hanging on its last hinge and opened her mouth to question it, but didn't get to before Tsunade started barking orders at her. "Assemble a backup squad and send them after Sasuke and Naruto!" Tsunade shouted.

"Y-yes right away," Shizune said. She left to go gather the backup squad. She gathered Kakashi, Sakura, Shikamaru, and Neji. Mostly because they were the only ones not on a mission.

They set out as soon as Shizune had finished filling them in on what little details she knew. They were being led by Nobu to the clearing Sasuke and Naruto was at.

"This is such a drag," Shikamaru complained as he jumped through the trees. "I was enjoying my me time."

"Shikamaru stops complaining, you can sleep after we help out Naruto and Sasuke," Sakura said distinguishing the shadow nin's words. "Now come on they can be in serious trouble so let's move." They moved at a faster past, worried about what could have happened to them.

It didn't take long for them to come across the clearing the blond and raven were at. They landed in the clearing and were stopped dead in their tracks from the sight before them. They saw Naruto on all fours with red eyes, long fangs, your and claws and an unconscious Sasuke.

"N-Naruto?" Sakura asked her eyes widened in shock.

Nobu started walking towards the blond. Naruto arched his back in the air and a growl erupted from his throat warning the nin-cat to stay back. Nobu stopped in his tracks and growled back at the teen.

"What the hell do you Th you're doing?" Nobu growled back at him. "What the hell did you do to him?"

"Stay away from him! Come any closer and I'll kill you! No ones taking him away from me!" Naruto growled at the cat. He was staring daggers at him. Nobu could feel the demonic chakra radiating off the blond. He whimpered and slowly backed up. He hid behind Kakashi still whimpering, knowing Naruto will stay true to his threat.

Naruto lowered his back and relaxed a bit. He was still uneasy about the five standing in front of him. His eyes shot from one to the next watching them to see if any of them tried to get closer.

"K-Kakashi-sensei do you think that...that the Kyubi took over Naruto?" Sakura asked aghast at the idea.

"No, Naruto is still in there. We just need to find a way to bring him back" Kakashi said unfazed. "but more importantly we need to find a way to get to Sasuke and fast. I don't think he's going to last much longer."

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