Chapter 8: The Mission Part 2

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Naruto had woken op earlier then usual. His eyes flickered open, The sun was shinning bright lighting up the inside of the tent. Naruto rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and sat up in his sleeping bag. He stretched his arms in the air letting out a loud yawn along with a series of popping sounds from his joints. He put his arms down so they lay in his lap.

"Morning Sasuke," Naruto said. "We should get go-" Naruto turned to Sasuke's side and saw that his sleeping bag was empty. He looked around the medium sized tent frantically trying to find the raven.

"Sasuke?" He asked hopping to get a response. When he didn't get one he jumped out of his sleeping bag and ran out of the tent. He stopped dead in his tracks when the smell of ramen reached his nose

"Hey Naruto." Sasuke said and immediately Naruto's head shot in the direction the voice came from. Sasuke was standing half a foot away from him, holding a cup of instant ramen in each hand. "Its about time you got up. I thought I would have to-"

Sasuke was cut off by Naruto bringing him into a tight hug and burring his head in his chest. He had to lift the cups over his head so Naruto didn't spill them.

"Good morning to you too." The raven said chuckling. He heard a sob escape the blond and instantly stopped chuckling. He looked down at Naruto and asked, "Naruto are you alright?"

Naruto pulled away from Sasuke and nodded, whipping his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Well every time I wake up and don't see you I think everything that happened was just a dream. Naruto said looking down.

"Well, it is not a dream Naruto," Sasuke said softly.

Naruto lifted his head and looked at Sasuke, tears in his eyes that were threatening to fall. "And how are you sure it is not?"

Sasuke leaned in and tilted his head to the side. He placed a gentle kiss on the blond's lips. Naruto closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. He wished they could stay like that forever, but it ended as quickly as it had began. Sasuke pulled back and said, "Because I can kiss you and you didn't wake up." He said smiling.

"Thanks, Sasuke" Naruto blushed slightly and looked to the side. "and sorry about that. I kind of overreact sometimes." Naruto said scratching the back of his head. Nobu just rolled his eyes at the two and laid back down in the grass.

"Its okay Naruto, but can you, um, put some pants on? Its making it really hard for me not to jump you when your just in your boxers." Sasuke said the cups of ramen covering his crouch as he ogled the half-naked blond in front of him.

Naruto looked down and saw that he was indeed just in his boxers. He blushed and ran back into the tent and quickly put his clothes on.

Naruto came back out of the tent, fully dressed, a couple of minutes later. He sat down next to Sasuke on the grass and the brunet handed him a cup of instant ramen and a pair of chop sticks. He scarfed down the ramen and when they finished they packed up the camp and started jumping through the trees.

They were traveling for 30 minutes when Sasuke suddenly stopped on a branch. Nobu and Naruto came to a stop besides the raven. Naruto turned to Sasuke and asked, "Sasuke whats-"

"Shhh." Sasuke shushed the blond cutting him off. He closed his eyes and focused his chakra in his ears. His hearing increased tenfold. Ten feet behind them he heard several kunai heading straight for them, quickly approaching.

His eyes instantly shot open and his reflexes kicked in. He quickly wrapped an arm around Naruto's waist and bent down and lifted Nobu underneath his arm. He jumped to the right just barely dodging the kunai, but one manged to cut his leg. He skidded to a stop in a small clearing. He put Nobu down and let go of Naruto.

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