Chapter 1

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First story guys! so need to know what you think and comments and if you like then vote or even fan! we're gonna see how it unfolds cause i really dont know what to do after this...

A blast from the past...

Oh no. I need more homework!!

“Sir? I’ve only had 3 pieces of homework this week. I really would appreciate if you would kindly give me some? Please?”Whined Jamie.

The whole class groaned loudly. This was not the first time that Jamie had asked for extra, unnecessary homework. The girl couldn’t help it. She was a full on geek.

The teacher looked towards Jamie uninterestedly. “You’ve had homework last week. You’re only in year 8, Jamie. So why stress yourself out?” the teacher asked.

“Because! My mum sends me to my room to do homework for 3 hours every day after school but I don’t have much homework and when I do tell her that she never s me!” Jamie droned.

“Sorry Jamie, because I can't help you there. You are already ahead of the rest of the class and you’re in top set. You cannot get harder work than you’ve just done.”

Jamie’s shoulders sagged as she slumped in her chair. She could hear the class talking about her but she didn’t care. They didn’t understand. Homework is good. Education is essential. What a bunch of slackers she had a classmates! Top set? Yeah right. Half of them don’t even know their 8 times tables and they’re 13!

 “What a geek!”

“What is her problem anyway? Do us and yourself a favour and get a life Jamie!”

“Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. So typical of you.”

“Jammy dodgers! Not cool!” whispered Ayanna. “Just forget the homework. The bells about to ring so c’mon! Get a move on.”

Right on time the bell rang signalling the end of the lesson. Just like goldfish the girls forget what they were talking about as they filed out the classroom and started gossiping in smaller groups.

“I don’t need this school! I’m in a waiting list in a much better school which can actually teach and help me pass my exams!” Jamie huffed.

“You complete nut job! Your 13! What exams are you on about? The things you come out with Jamie. One day we’ll look back at this and laugh our heads off! Too funny!”Ayanna giggled.

“But-”Jamie stammered.

“Sush it! Now lets go before were late for registration.”

“What a so called friend you are!”Jamie had formed rabbit ears with her fingers when she said the word ‘friend’.

“Hey! Be grateful, you fool.”


2 years later...


Whoa. I have changed a lot since then.


 I can’t believe I actually owned my very own personalised pocket protector!

Hello? Jamie?

And what was wrong with my body? Was I really the exact same proportions as a 9 year old boy?

“Are you freaking deaf? Earth to Jamie! Snap out of it!” shrieked Ayanna. To Jamie’s surprise, there was a mad girl clicking her perfectly manicured fingers in her face.

They both abruptly looked to the front of the room where they had just heard a book slam. The librarian glared at the girls. They mouthed sorry to the librarian in return.

“Sorry Ayanna. I guess I blanked out again.”

“Tut tut! What are you daydreaming about anyway? You really are mad, babe.”

“I was having a flashback. Remember those times where I would ask for extra homework?” Jamie had a distant look as she reminisced.

“Pwahaha. Lol. Don’t I ever! You were such a geek back then! What happened to the little geek I was forced to sit next to all those years ago?” Ayanna wondered aloud.

“She grew up.” stated Jamie.

She definitely did. Jamie was now fully proportioned with a slight hourglass figure. She was of average height, with long curly light brown hair and light brown eyes that almost matched her hair. They were large and she was lucky to be blessed with ½ inch of long dark eyelashes that stood out. She had full rosy pink lips and a small perfect nose.

“Damn straight she did! Look at you! You’re hot!” exclaimed Ayanna.

The few students in the library turned around to glare at them. The librarian pointed to a sign that read ‘SILENCE’.

Jamie replied in a hushed tone, “Stop exaggerating! And anyway, who said you’re not beautiful? You’re absolutely stunning!”

Ayanna looked away in slight embarrassment. Jamie was right. Ayanna was taller than most girls, but not freaky tall, just lean. She had a slender body and curves that suited. She had strawberry blonde hair with green coloured eyes that changed colour once in while. She had pink plump lips and a straight nose.

“You’re just a hypocrite! Telling me to stop exaggerating! Then you just go and do the very same thing you told me not to do!” Ayanna argued.

“You’re obviously on one of your mad rants right now, so just calm down honey. You’re beautiful and that’s final.”

“Let’s just get this strai-”


Deal With ItTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon