Captivation Part 30

Start from the beginning

They were going to a local pottery. Caitlin hadn't been able to find an excuse to opt out. Which really was a pity, for the prospect of spending a day in the company of bitchy women was not something she was looking forward to. With a bit of luck she'd stay glued to Candy and Nigel.

Candy nodded. "Yes. Lisa said we'd leave around half ten. So no need to rush through breakfast." She looked speculatively at Caitlin, "Where are you going?" She hoped this wasn't Caitlin's bid for freedom! It would be just like Caitlin to have found another reason to escape spending time with the rest of the group. And to be fair, Candy couldn't blame Caitlin for wanting to avoid them.

"I fancied some air, a walk to the shops and back. I was just going to get my jacket and purse. Do you want a paper?" Caitlin waited for the two to reply, and wondered whether she could pretend to get lost on her way to getting the paper. That would be one way to avoid going on the excursion to the pottery.

Candy shook her head. Douglas said, "No, thanks." He grinned at Caitlin. "That was a good night last night. And you two look amazingly well this morning!"

Both women knew what he was referring to. There had been access to copious amounts of wine last night, but what Douglas hadn't realized was that neither Caitlin nor Candy drank much. They were too busy chatting and laughing for practically the whole evening. But neither woman looked worse for wear. In fact they both looked as if they had slept well and were now up and raring to go.

"Thank you. I think!" Caitlin grinned at him. She knew her plan to go AWOL would result in more hassle. So instead she reminded Candy with a pointed stare, "And, don't leave without me, as I don't think any of the others would volunteer to give me a lift!" Then she grinned as the ramifications of that sank in. If the others opted not to transport her she could spend the day on her own. "Actually that might be a good plan!" She called as she headed for the stairs.

"I'd offer you a lift." Douglas grinned broadly.

"Your car mates might veto that." Caitlin told him on a chuckle as she raced up the stairs, "Catch you later." She bounded up the final flight of stairs and was out of sight in seconds.

Douglas scanned the kitchen dining room when he entered. It was easy to spot Jared, for Jared like Douglas was tall. Most of the other men present were a good few inches shorter. "Excuse me a moment Candy." He headed straight over to Jared.

"What's up?" Asked Jared seeing the glint in Douglas' eyes. Douglas looked as if he couldn't wait to share a secret.

"You might want to take a walk into town." Douglas told his friend not wanting to give too much away to those with big ears who were milling around them.

"What? Why?" Jared put his mug in the sink and then reached for the tap.

"Rose tinted glasses heading that way." Douglas stated with a wry smile.

Jared grinned as he took the hint. Ok, this might just be the right talking opportunity. If she was on her own. This would be perfect. "Thanks." He rinsed the mug and then made a swift exit, much to the surprise of Lisa and Anne who had been standing close by. The two women threw Douglas a look, half inquisitive half seductive, hoping he'd enlighten them.

Douglas shrugged, smiled broadly and walked away, intending to rejoin Candy who was now pouring herself a mug of coffee.

Jared was literally half a dozen steps behind Caitlin when he stepped out of the house for Caitlin had only just exited the steading herself.

"Hey!" Jared called loudly intending to catch her attention before she disappeared. Caitlin stopped, saw who it was, and frowned. Now what she wondered, and hoped she wasn't about to endure more hassle. "Are you heading for the shops?" He asked as if it was news to him. She nodded, thinking that he probably wanted her to get him something. "Me too." He bounded the few strides toward her.

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