Chapter 6- Is this some kind of sick joke?

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Victoria's POV

Room 78. I pushed open the door and stepped inside. I walked into the dining  room to find like 10 people including James.
He looked up and saw me, and smiled. I smiled back, but then a woman walked up to me.
"Finally! Another woman! I was all alone with these dicks, haha you can come sit with me", she said and lead me over to the table.
"No Elaine, Victoria will sit where her name card is. You know we like to do things formally around here", James said.
"Hey suck my left tit Clark Gabel", she responded.
"ah well we're all here now, so lets sit. There are only so many hours in the night.  Victoria, you sit next to me and our other new guest, John" he said and raised his glass. "To our special night and our new guests"I drank my glass and had a seat. I looked over at John who looked scared and confused.
"What's going on here? Who are you people?", the man asked.
"I'm March. I built this hotel", wait what. Is that his costume?
"The man who built this hotel died more than 85 years ago", John spoke. Why is he so serious? It's Halloween, people dress up.
"This is my problem with police officers. All you care about is evidence", he said. "You've lived in my hotel long enough John. To see enough evidence to see that what's impossible becomes very possible here", he states.
"Wait.. What the hell is going on here?", I asked very confused.
"Okay everyone introduce themselves", James said.
Everyone went around introducing themselves, and after John went around explaining that they died and that they killed people, I was kind of scared, but trying to believe this was a trick. I haven't spoken in awhile, so might as well say something.
"Is this some kind of joke?", I say.
"I invited you two here to open your eyes. Your so blind to what's around you, that you can't see what's right in front of you.", he says to both of us, but never takes his eyes off of me.
"You need to listen to this guy. Only the ones who listen to the masters advice gets an invite", one said.
"That's why we come here every Devils night. It's a real honor to be invited. It's like a tradition"
"He told me that if I want to kill anyone, my pattern had to be no pattern", another said.
"Guess I was out that day", Kacey started laughing and stopped when James yelled "It's not funny Kacey!", and my fork dropped cause I got frightened a little bit. "We are the mt. Rushmore of murder. We have reputations to keep", he stated. Oh my god. It's all coming together now. JPM... James Patrick March. As in the James that kissed me, and the one I started to like.. My thoughts were going around like crazy and my eyes were staring at the table, my mouth wide open.
"Ahhh... I think Victoria has finally put the pieces together", he smirked. I snapped my head at him with just a single tear drop sliding down my cheek. I shook my head at him. "was I just your next kill?". He looked a little shocked, but quickly hid it.
"Of course not my darling", he said and wiped the tear from my cheek. I felt a little relief, but then he smirked, "not my next". I stood up in panic, but then my vision became blurry. And I fell to the floor. James towered over me.
"Looks like you had to much to drink sweetheart. Why don't you sit back down?", and with that he lifted me up and set me back in the chair. Handcuffing me to the arm of the chair. I couldn't see very well, and everythings blurry and spinning.

My hearing went silent, but then I saw Sally come in the room minutes later with a man. They killed him instantly. Then she looked at me and her eyes went wide. My hearing was slightly working, all I head was her yelling.
"That's Elizabeth's friends daughter. She ordered everyone not to lay a hand on her. What did you do James?!", she yelled.
"I had to open her eyes to all of us. She had to understand!"
"She's drugged right??", she asked.
"Yes. Why?"
"I'll set her downstairs. She'll pass out. When she wakes up I'll convince her she was having a nightmare", and with that she picked me up. right when we were about to leave I saw my book on the table. Then I saw James make an agitated face. I mouthed 'I hate you' and hurt flashed all over his face, I could tell he was trying to hid it, but it wouldn't work. And with that I passed out.
"Victoria! Victoria!", I was shooken awake. It was Sally. My head hurt, and I rubbed it.
"What-what happened??", I asked.
" I think you had a little to much to drink. Come on let's get you upstairs to bed.
Once I was in bed and she left, I remembered everything. And I have no clue what I am going to do.
Word count: 875

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