Chapter one- The arrival

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Quick authors note: cover is done by @WolfMorgan please check her out she did such an amazing job!

Victoria's POV

Talk about a vacation.. My mother dragged me all the way to LA just to see her old friend at this hotel. Sure, it wasn't far from San Diego, but I mean she's making me stay there for a month out here away from my friends.

"We're almost there", my mother states as we exit the highway. I rolled my eyes. "You know Vic, it's not that bad".

"Who are we visiting again?", I asked completely ignoring her last comment.

"My old friend Elizabeth. We were best friends back in the day, but we lost touch for awhile up until now. She lives in this historical hotel called 'Hotel Cortez', I think you'll like it". We turned onto another street and passed the hotel mom was talking about. It was huge. We parked in the parking spot next to it, and got out.

I stepped out of the car and looked up the ancient building, looking at the foundation and then the Windows. My eyes caught something or someone in one of the Windows staring at me, but it quickly disappeared. That's weird.

"Well Victoria, are you gonna help me unload or not?", I snapped my attention back to her and nodded.

I went to the trunk and pulled out my two purple suitcases and my black duffle bag. Since we're only here for a month, I brought what I would need.

After we grabbed everything I shut the trunk door and we headed inside. Right when I entered the doors the color captured my attention. Red. Red chairs, red carpet. Well, that was until I looked up. The place was breathtaking. In carved gold walls, beautiful chandeliers, amazing stairs. This place had detail, and I loved it.

"Told you you'd like it", my mom said and we stopped at the front desk. I rang the bell and a woman appeared behind the desk. She looked stressed and depressed, I felt bad for her.

"May I help you?", she asked.

"Yes, we're looking for Elizabeth", my mom said. Before the lady could answer the elevator doors opened and a blonde lady stepped out. She was in a long red dress with a red cover.

"Tracy! How wonderful to see you again!", she exclaimed and had open arms out to my mother. My mom hugged her.

"Wow Elizabeth! You haven't aged a day", my mom said. They pulled away and the lady, who's name is now Elizabeth, looks at me.

"And this is Victoria I presume?", I nodded. "Well, welcome Victoria, I'm Elizabeth. I hope your stay here is very relaxed and welcoming. Iris, will you show Victoria to her room please?", the lady at the front desk nodded and walked over to me with a key in her hand.

"Your mom suggested you have your own room for the trip", Elizabeth winked at me. Finally, my own room.

I followed Iris into the elevator, when the doors closed I looked at her.

"Iris, right?", I asked her. She nodded not looking at me. "Are you.. Okay?", that seemed to get her attention. She snapped her head towards me.

"Why wouldn't I be miss?", then the doors opened and we walked out, I trailed behind her.

"I don't know, you just seem sad". She didn't answer she just turned the corner and silence all the way until we arrived at my room.  She unlocked the door and handed me a key. Room 64.

"Have a goodnight miss", she said and began to walk away.

"Please, call me Victoria", I said to her. I turned back and dragged my bags into this room. I set them on the couch. It's so dark in here, so I opened all the curtains.

All the decor seemed very old, but I didn't mind at all, I liked it. I started to unpack and set my clothes in the dresser. I went into the bathroom and opened the windows in there too. I have the cleanest bathroom in the history of hotels... It's weird, but I choose to ignore it. I set all my bathroom stuff I packed in there and changed into my pajamas.

I walked back into the room and put my suitcases in the corner. I turned around and jumped. There was a kid in my room. He was blonde, wearing a suit. I bent down to his level and looked at him.

"Are you lost?", I asked him. He didn't say anything. Just stared at me. Then he ran out the door and left me puzzled. I closed the door and locked it. I grabbed my book and crawled into bed.

I wonder what this month in tails...
Word count: 781

So, I am obsessed with American Horror Story, and season 5 has me puzzled. It's kind of similar to season one.. Also, this fanfiction is basically just me obsessing over Evan Peters character, so yeah! Enjoy!

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