Captivation Part 29

Start from the beginning

Caitlin propped her chin on the back of her hands that she had bridged when she had placed her elbows on the table. She looked straight at Douglas, "You looked rugged, and interesting. And I've know Elias for years, and to be fair, there's a lot more to him then his scars. I imagine the same applies to you. So yes, in answer to your question. I would go out with a guy with scars." He blinked at her direct response. He was starting to understand how she managed to rattle Jared. You expected sweet, coy, reticence. Given her appearance. You go, direct, blunt, honest. She grinned at him, sensing his astonishment, "But you do know that being seen having dinner with me means an announcement of our imminent wedding, or maybe even a pregnancy!"

Douglas hooted with laughter, and once again their table was the centre of attention. He leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips. That seemed to surprise those at the other tables, not least of all Jared. He was already regretting the fact he'd asked Douglas to swop places for dinner. But at the time, given the bathroom debacle he figured it was in his interests to put a bit of distance between them.

"And what about the delightful Gina?" Caitlin asked. She knew about Douglas' girlfriend though given what she had seen, Caitlin was pretty sure that things were not serious between Douglas and Gina. Strangely enough she hoped he wasn't seriously involved with Gina, for the woman always struck Caitlin as being after the main chance, rather than being genuinely interested in Douglas. That and the fact that both Gina and Doug appeared to date other people suggested they weren't really serious.

Douglas was suddenly pleased he had taken Jared's place at this table, for as he was finding out, Caitlin had a wicked sense of humour. So the night would be fun. Lighthearted fun. "Ah, you mean she can't come?" He grinned without any difficulty. "Do you know Gina?" Caitlin shook her head. She did not know the woman, she just knew of her. Douglas shrugged his shoulders, "She is going to dine out when I tell her about this weekend." He smiled at Caitlin, and then confirmed Caitlin's intuition when he said, "Gina and I, have no ties, we date."

Candace frowned. "I don't get it. Why did you come to the treasure hunt if you're already with someone?" Most of the people at the treasure hunt viewed it as a social dating opportunity. A chance to meet other singles.

"Long story. " Douglas shrugged his shoulders.

"Well we have all evening, so why not start telling us about it now." Caitlin smiled at him.

And so he did. "Gina and I have a no strings relationship. No commitment." Candy and Caitlin looked at each other. Who in their right minds would opt for a no commitment relationship with this man. As far as Caitlin and Candy were concerned, Gina was crazy! Douglas, oblivious to Caitlin and Candy's thoughts continued. "Though Gina did bribe me to go with her sister to the treasure hunt....." Anecdotes and all were woven into his account of the deal he had with Gina's sister, to just hover but not put off potential dates. The problem was that his team had come third. He hadn't expected that. But coming third meant attending this weekend. So here he was.

Douglas' account resulted in each of the other three sharing their reasons for being at the treasure hunt event. And it wasn't long before their table started drawing a lot of attention as laughter was frequent and spontaneous. Douglas relaxed. These three were easy to be with, and surprisingly good company. Over the meal each of them slid into anecdotes and jokes that came easily.

The following morning Jared turned to Douglas and said, "You seemed to be having fun last night." It had been eating away at him since they'd returned late last night. The fact that Douglas, and his table seemed to have spent most of the evening laughing and talking. While Jared had spent most of the evening bored stupid. His fault. He should never have suggested they swap.

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