Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

            That was it, Harry was done with Louis. Louis was speaking with Zayn and Harry knew that Louis was speaking of him, what else would Zayn be so interested in that Louis would say? Harry had, had enough of Louis and his bullshit. Harry knew exactly what he was going to do from now on. Just go against him, destroy him, ignore him, and don’t speak to him.

            From that day on Harry started to ignore Louis, every single day, in every single way. The first day, Louis walked up to Harry and said hello and all that Harry did was stare right through Louis and then walk away. That same day Louis smiled at Harry and Harry immediately looked away. It didn’t hurt Harry at all, Louis fucked up, and this was Louis’ fault, after all Harry was innocent.

            It has been a whole week and Louis and Harry had stopped speaking, Louis had stopped trying to initiate a talk with Harry and decided that something was wrong, but did nothing about it. In classes, Harry would look at Louis from a far and observe Louis’ body language. He seemed fine not talking with Harry and that hurt Harry. Harry thought Louis truly cared, that he was the only person that truly cared. After all, Harry’s parents didn’t care enough to be around him, Carmen was just… there, but Louis had been there since the first day of school. Yet here he was not looking back at Harry or making any effort of apologizing. Deep down, that truly hurt Harry… a lot.

            The second week of not having talked to Louis, Harry decided to have a relaxing day, well his kind of relaxing day. Harry knew good days started off if he read one of Niall’s many poems. So, the very first thing Harry did was go to his desk which had a small shoe box with a bow wrapped around it and he opened it and all the mountained up papers collapsed all around the box. Harry picked a random one and read it while his heart fluttered.

“3 AM sounds like a lovely time to get to know what tangling my legs with yours feels like

3 AM sounds like a lovely time to caress your face softly

3 AM sounds like a lovely time to play with your fingers while they wrap around my waist

3 AM sounds like a lovely time to hold back giggles from your tickles

3 AM sounds like a perfect time to mold my lips into yours


Harry then took a warm, relaxing bath and put on some plaid pajama bottoms along with a plain white tee; he most definitely wasn’t in the mood for leg choking pants. Harry then proceeded out of his room with a split second sight of the end of the hallway, but there was no one. Harry sadly walked down the stairs, but made his way to the grand, wooden piano. Harry took a seat in the mahogany bench and opened the case for the piano keys slowly and carefully.

            Harry ran his fingertips softly and slowly over each key, dust particles collected in the pores of his fingers, but Harry didn’t mind. He loved the feeling of the keys and how some dipped in and some were standing out proudly. Harry then ran his fingers over the black keys, those were his favorite keys, he loved how they were so… odd, he sometimes compared himself to the black keys.

Harry sometimes thought of himself as a black piano key. He thought of how black keys stand out and how they are the odd ones out, they are shorter than the others, thinner, but taller and thicker at the sides piano, how they aren’t that repetitive and how you only see them every one or two white keys. Harry compared himself to piano keys because schyzophrenics aren’t seen that often, Harry just felt like he was the odd one out, how he was different. Not the good kind, the bad kind.

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