Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

That night Harry had gone to sleep with a massive smile on his face, this rarely happened, this only used to happen when Harry was a kid on Christmas Eve. Now, Harry was all grown and was actually going to bed with not only a smile, but the taste of Niall's strawberry-like lips lingering and sparkling on his lips.

The next morning, Harry couldn't wait to tell Louis the good news that Niall wasn't 'just an illusion,' he was in fact real and he could prove it because he had tasted his lips.

"Louis!" Harry yelled happily.

Louis was walking through the hallways of school when he heard happiness in Harry's voice, something he never heard and another thing he hadn't heard in a while, Harry calling after him and actually wanting to talk to him first. Louis turned around in the blink of an eye, he couldn't miss Harry calling him instead of Louis calling Harry.

"What is it, Harry?" Louis smiled at the happiness roaming in Harry's green eyes.

"Niall is real!" Harry was literally bouncing around with joy.

Louis' excitedness quickly faded from his features as he slouched slightly in his stance.

"What is it, Louis?"

Louis bit his lip and looked at Harry, shaking his head slowly and spoke in a sad, slow tone, "He's not real, Harry. He's fake, imaginary, and illusion."

"No, Harry!" Harry smiled widely, "He's real!"

Louis looked at Harry's joyful eyes hating himself for what he was about to do and kill the sparkle in his eyes, "No, Harry," Louis motioned to his head and tapped it, "It's all in your head, mate,"

Harry clenched his jaw and swallowed hard, his eyes squinting and starting to grow some kind of fire, "Louis. Niall. Is. Real. I kissed him. He's real."

Louis had no other option he grabbed Harry's arm tightly knowing that he was going to leave a mark, he dragged Harry behind him to a janitor's closet and then locked it. The janitor's closet was pretty small and tight, it smelled of bleach and cleaning products. Louis then pulled a string hanging from the ceiling and the small light bulb turned on. The bulb barely gave off light, it just seemed as if Harry and Louis were shadows.

Louis uncomfortably stirred in the tight closet, Harry's back was against the door while Louis was forced to be pinning him because the shelves that were full of buckets and cleaning products were tight against his back.

"Tell me what his lips felt like," Louis hissed while his arms shifted and his palms were on either side of Harry's head.

Harry started to warm up reminding himself of Niall's delicate lips, "Well, they were thin..." Harry started to daze off, "Tasted of strawberry, he was so delicate with me..."

Louis bit his lip as he watched the love tumble around Harry's eyes, he couldn't take it anymore.

"God dammit Harry!" Louis started to erupt, his nostrils flaring as gasps of breath entered and escaped quickly from his lips, "nIALL IS A GOD DAMN ILLUSION, HE'S FUCKING FAKE. HE DOES NOT EXIST. HIS LIPS ARE FAKE. THE KISS WAS ALL IN YOUR BRAIN. NONE OF IT WAS REAL. DO YOU WANT TO FEEL A REAL FUCKING KISS HARRY?"

Louis then mindlessly gripped the sides of Harry's face and pulled Harry to his lips. Louis pressed his lips to Harry's and moved his lips against Harry's tightened, unmoving ones. Louis had dreamed of the day he would kiss Harry, but it never happened until now. Louis started to push away his lust and move his lips slow so Harry didn't get frightened.

Harry was confused and didn't know what to do, so he just let go and let Louis be the leader. Harry relaxed in Louis' touch and started to let Louis' lips take over him. He was uncomfortable, but just let Louis' do his thing.

Louis let go, not as satisfied as he thought his first kiss with Harry would be, but enough to get to know the feeling of Harry's lips.

"Did that feel real because damn right I felt it," Louis looked intently into Harry's eyes, "That's called a real kiss, a kiss with real emotion." Louis hoped Harry picked up what Louis had put down.

"Real emotion, Harry," with that Louis left the janitor's closet leaving Harry to let his thoughts devour him.

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A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update and it's such a short chapter. Anyways, pLOT TWIST OR WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. I'm going to Yosemite from Wednesday - Friday, so I'll see if I have time to leave you guys with an update or just give you and extra long update on Saturday/Sunday. :)

Thank you guys for reading and commenting and voting, it makes me so happy and encourages me to keep writing. ♥

Dedicated to: NandosToMyNiall, thanks for commenting those long comments and reading! ♥

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