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I smokes like three swishers and I was about to be on my fourth when Drew grabbed it from me.

"What the hell?" I said kinda annoyed.

"You been doing too much. Chill out a bit were about to go in don't need you going yet." Drew said tossing it out the window.

"You paying me for that."

"No the fuck I'm not."


"Y'all chill we already got problems to deal with." Toya said fed up with the both of us.

I rolled my eyes and Drew started driving faster.


"Alright when we get in don't just start shooting up bitches okay." Drew said.

"Let me do the talking." I say getting out the car.

We busted through the door and say a man tied to a chair and three other men watching over him.

"Alright where the nigga who got y'all here!" I yelled raising my gun at them.

"I ain't telling you s-" I cut the one walking toward us off by sending a bullet through his head.

"Anybody else got some words they want to discuss?" I asked truly pissed.

I cocked my bun at the other two and Drew covered me and did the same to the other Toya watched behind us in case anybody else came running in.

Niesha p.o.v

I honestly never lose hope that they'd come and rescue us. Three weeks any Jaysha came to us. (Her and Quincy.) Well... Rocky brought her to us. Unharmed but I still tried to whip his ass for it. I stabbed him in the leg. He had Jaysha chained up like me but clothed.

Quincy even got his licks in on that nigga. He game him a black eye and almost pulls the knife out and stabbed him. But he didn't want Jaysha to see that. So he stopped but only for her sake.

Today wasn't much different actually. Woke up on the cold concrete floor, got breakfast, and blinked the tears back. Rocky came in to check in on us until. We heard shots downstairs. He ran out the door. I grabbed it before it closed and said "Q come on go."

He darted up and ran after Rocky "Follow me but slowly okay."

I nodded and grabbed Jaysha. She was still sleeping but if those shots kept going she'd be a witnesses to it all like us.

Tasha p o.v

I heard footsteps multiple at that all heading for the same spot. Us. First it was Rocky my ex. I was shocked as hell but I could've known it was him. I did get him in jail. He saw me and smiled cocking his gun.

"Go." Drew whispered barley audible.

I shot at Rocky. And heard more foot steps. Alisha, Quanta, and Brea came out. I got alisha in the arm while running towards the stairs to them Toya following me. Drew took out the two guys Harding the guy in the chair. It wasn't anybody we knew tho he was a random.

Bre got Toya in the thigh and she started lping still following me tho. She got Brea back by a shot to the stomach. Then I got Quanta in the head by her nose. She might be dead. Rocky took off running and Drew caught up and tackled him.

We left the girls to need cause of the police find out we wanna call self defense. We followed Drew up to Rocky.

"You know what nigga I should kill yo ass. You took my friend, my cousin, and my baby." I said looking at Rocky.

"Tasha." I heard Niesha say as she covered Jaysha's ears.

I sighed as tears fell from my eyes.

"But you know what you ain't even worth that satisfaction." I said dropping the gun.

"Call the police." Drew said.


A while after that. The police came I was holding on to Jaysha so tightly as the tears fell from my eyes. The police man questioned us all back at the station. I told the truth.

"My friend Niesha was kidnapped from her home with my other friend Drew. We got a private investor to handle it but that did nothing then my cousin Quincy was kidnapped by his ex girlfriend Quanta. The next day I was being followed by a cherry red car. I got out and confronted it. When I got back in the car my baby girl was gone. Three weeks later we got a lead on where they would be. I fired the investor and said I'd handly it myself.

When we got their we didn't have our weapons we stole them from the people holding the guy captive. Then Rocky my ex boyfriend the drug dealer came out shooting. Before he go to shoot at me I shot at him. It landed in the leg. Three of his henchmen came out all wemon. Quanta, Brea, and Allisha. I shot allisha in the arm and Brea shot Toya in the thigh. She limped on behind me and she shot Brea in the stomach. Then I shot Quanta in the nose I think.
Drew tackled Rocky and hekd him dien tikl yall got their. Truth be told I wss fonna kill him. But then I day my baby Jaysha then thought against it. I don't want my baby to remember me as a killer. Plus that went against everything I was taught. I wanna be in her life I don't wanna be away without her. Yall bitches already have my baby daddy and yall boy getting me too. I'm all she got left."

By now tears were forming a puddle against my shirt. They left me in the room to gather myself.


A week later in court

"I sentence you Latasha Robinson to 5 years for attempted murder. Latoya Robinson a year and a day. Drew Shaw also a yesr and a day. Rocky Elders life. Brea ragashi life. A life for Quantilia cassie. And your fiancé Jay will be released Alison will get life they are switched for time." The judge said.

He said it so fast I didn't even have time to gasp. But I knew if I did I'd get even bigger punishment. I just nodded and blinked away the tears. I saw Jay come out of the door into the court room. Still dressed in orange I was happy that he was free. I pressed my lips into a line and he frowned at me. I guess I deserved that. I hugged Jaysha so tight she groaned.

"I love you so much okay." I said whispering.

"I love you too." She wispered back.

I smiled at her and walked by the officer at the door.


We were transported the prison separately and in different sections I guess. When I got settled in my cell my cell mate was their and she was fialing her nails. She had 22 inch weave that was brown, she was mixed, veary thick, and looked 5'5.

"This is Cherise your cell mate. It won't be long okay." The officer smiled genuinely at me and I nodded.

I sat on the bed and sighed running a hand through my hair.

"What are you in for?" She asked looking up at me.

"Attempted murder." I say laying down.

"Same here ex boyfriend. You?"

"Same. What's your story?'

"He cheated on my with my sister, my best friend, and my cousin."


"Yeah lets just say that family dinner ended pretty steemed." She smiled I laughed a bit. "Look it isn't too bad here. If you lay low you'll be fine."


"You should get some rest you look terrible."

She smiled again and cut the light. Laying back in her bed. I turned to the wall and sighed a final time before falling to sleep.

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