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I'm not going down without a fight so give me your worst ~ Niesha

A/N; The author of Sex Therapy inspired me to put character quotes in my stories so imma start here.


Tasha p.o.v

I hopped in Drew's car and Q went to his. 10 minuets of riding in science drew got a call. It said a unknown number so he let it ride. We still had a 40 minute drive back so I took a nap.


"Ma wake up we here." Drew shook me awake.

I rubbed my eyes and we walked into Toya house. She smiled at me and said "They are watching a movie in Simones room."

"Oh okay." I said and sat on her couch.

"Anyone talked to Niesha to see if the foods ready? She hasn't been answering her phone. I called her five times." Toya said joining me.

Then Drew looked like he just remembered something and pulled out his phone. His eyes widened as he listened to his voicemails.

"Shit! Quincy come on we gotta get to my house!" He took off running and slammed the door.

Quincy shook his head then ran out the door behind him. I sighed and said "Something must be wrong with Nie."

"What could've happened?"

"A lot of bad shit that's what."

"Mommy what happened?" Simone came out the room with Jaysha and An'Dreya.

"Oh nothing sweetie. You guys go play." Toya said ushering them to the room.


Drew p.o.v

I probably got a lot of speeding tickets but I don't give a fuck;My baby in trouble, that's all that matters. I got my gun and ran up to the door. It was partly open I kicked it in and started searching the place. Q was hot on my trail too.

The strange part was nothing was out if order in any room. I went to the bedroom and the dresser where I once had a gun was open. You needed a key to open it so I knew had to be Niesha opened it.

I walked over to the closet and a shelf leading to the attic was broken and a bit if blood was splattered on it. I climbed the one next to it hoping not to see what's going on in my head. The door was dismantled so I slid right through. I saw three dead bodies. 2 men 1 women. I turned all them over to see if I knew them; I didn't.

"Q! We gon need to stash these bodies." I said checking out the wounds.

The female was shot in the eye. Either they fought of they aim was off. One if the males was shit in the rib. Niesha had to do that tho. The other in the neck. Wait if Nie not here they took her.

"Shit!" I yelled and knocked some boxes over.

"She gone huh?" Q asked coming up.

"Yeah. And we gon find her. Let's go." I picked up one if the bodies and Q got another.


"They've been gon for hours already. You think something went down?" Toya asked.

"Nah if anything they are on there way back or they got some leads." I say reassuring her.

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