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Drew called me over to his place today the club is closed. So the whole day is free for me. I put on a 2pac black t-shirt, red leather hammer time pants, and white black and red Jordons. I strighten my hair then put in a bun and slip in black bely piercing with my black rolex. I eat a granola bar and he'd to his place.

He opens the door and gives me a hug saying "Hey Lil sis."

"Hey bro." I say walking through.

Niesha is on the couch flicking through the channels.

"Hey Niesha." I say sitting on the loveseat.

"Hey boo." She says smiling.

"So when do we get to meet them?" Drew asks.

"Today if you don't act a fool." I say.

"Good. I got an idea since we got the money and the people. We should have a barbeque today. Got enough room out back for volleyball and football. You could invite them." Drew says.

"Okay but not all at once. That's a terrible thing to do."

"Really? Only a dumb nigga would do that shit."

"Right like you don't act like a dumb nigga every once and a while."

"Shut up. Anyways I'm gonna get Q to go to the store with me. Can you guys make a playlists and take out all the seasoning for me?"

"Yeah we got chu." Niesha says.

"Alright cool. Bye boo," he kisses her cheek, "bye sis."

He came over to hug me then left.

"Let's get this started." Niesha said.

"Alright." I said and we high fived.

I got the playlist started whilst she got the kitchen ready. We met in the middle and she helped me sinish the playlist. We also moved the furniture around for more space. Set up the net and cleaned the grill. I was flicking off a piece of coal off and it landed in her shirt.

"Ahhh." She screamed.

"What's wrong?" I asked almost laughing.

"A bug flew in my bra." She started jumping around.

"No that coal."

"Oh." She pulls it out.

I laugh at her.

"That wasn't funny." She pouts like a baby.

"Whatever." I keep cleaning.

"Boo where you at!" Drew yelled from in the house.

We ran in and Niesha said "Right here."

I almost broke out in a happy dance when I saw my date standing a few feet away from Drew.

"Look who I found." Drew says and starts taking the stuff out the bags.

"Hey Jay." I say.

"Hey T." He says giving me a hug.

I saw Niesha smile at me and I blushed.

"So you coming later on?" I asked pulling back.

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun I'm hitting the pool."

I could feel my face getting red. Imagining him shirtless is like heaven.

"Yep its gonna be fun alright." I said and started helping with the stuff in the kitchen.

"I saw that." Niesha whispered passing me.

"Shut up."

"Well I'm go on a head out. See y'all later." He called walking to the door.

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