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Jaysha cried all night for her daddy to come back. I told her that they were playing a game and a crule one at that. They could've at least asked for him to step outside but no. I called off today from the lounge and asked my assistant to deal for me. I got jaysha dressed identically to me.

A regular white t shirt a white PINK sweat shirt with the words in cheetah print, light blue ripped jeans, and white and red Jordan's. I out her hair in a curly ponytail and straightened mine.

(Pictures of outfits will be in a different chapter.)

I went to Toyas' house; Q answered the door. We hugged and he picked up Jaysha saying "You wanna go play with Symone and Duse (their dog)?"

She nodded and they went off together. I went to the living room and saw a crying Niesha with Toya comforting her.

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting down.

"I broke up with Drew last night." Niesha says drying her tears.

"I'm sorry Nie." I said side hugging her.

When she calmed down I came out with my truth of the day.

"So..... Jay got arrested yesterday." I sigh reliving the moment.

"What?" Toya said shocked.

"Yep and we all know the bitch that set him up."

"Hold up how exactly did it go down?" Niesha asked.

"Well we were all chilling at home. Jay was in the shower and me and Jaysha were watching a movie. Well the came banging on the door. I opened it and all of them filed in one officer said he had a warrant to search our place. They found heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. I'm shocked I didn't get arrested my damn self. But anybody who knows the game knows a real kingpin don't keep the shit at the place he lay his head; cause niggas be creeping."

"So you know that shit was set up?" Niesha said.

"Hell yeah and that bitch Alisha getting it. Y'all gon help me?" I ask.

"I'm down." Toya said.

"What chu gon do?" Niesha said.

"Kill her or make her leave officially."

"Yeah her choice if she decided to cooperate or not. It determains her fait." I said running a hand through my hair.

"Are you two okay or no?" Toya said.

"He said that he'd fix it but he doesn't have to anymore girl already gon be gone. I said he had a month to fix it anyway."

"Why that long?"

"He might have a baby on the way."

"Woah, woah, waoh. Get me caught up?" Niesha said.

"So a girl came her-"

"Quanta." I cut in rolling my eyes.

"Yeah Quanta," Toya continued. " asked Q for help or some shit. Turns out Lil thirty was sleeping with Jay for three months."

"Oh so she on the list too."

"Yeah. But those bitches dumb. Alisha and Quant's both want Jay but they fighting to get me out the picture. I wonder if it works who gon be the first to realize they got to compete too. Then this girl Brea coming back. Ugh it's too much." I sigh.

"Wait! The same Brea that used to be Drew's ex?" Niesha asked.

"Yeah that's who he cheated with you on huh?" Toya said making the connection.

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