Steal My Girl

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Whola, single Pringle in the house, how are y'all???? I've missed you. BUT THE BITCH IS BACK BITCHES! I'm sorry, your not bitches, I'm the bitch. ANYWAY, HALLOWEEN IS TOMORROW!!! WHAT ARE YALL GONNA BE? Just something stupid but whoevers costume makes me laugh, you get a chapter dedicated to you for Halloween. OKAY GO AHEAD AND READ! BYE NOW!

Your P.O.V

"HEY! JACOB!" You yell for an ex of yours you dated about 3 years ago. You ran over to him, slapping him with a hug.

"Hey! (Y/N) how's you been!" He says. Man he got taller and WAY more handsome then ever.

"I've been great! Yeah, I met this guy, he's the love of my life." Jacob looked at him angrily. Shawn smiled with pleasure.

"Oh. Yeah I decided to go single after my last break up. Anyway, how long have you 2 been dating anyway?"

"Almost a year." Shawn scowled. I still had no clue what was going on between the two but I choose to ignore it.

"So, have you gotten a job?" I smile, trying to calm the expression on his face. I looked over at Shawn who seemed a bit steamed.

"Yeah I actually am starting off on my modeling career. You remember how much I wanted to be a model?" He asked. I nod and Shawn pulled out his phone, walking over to a bench.

"Well, I didn't realize you liked geeky looking dudes. Maybe that's why you broke up with me."

"Um, no. Shawn is not geeky looking he's very handsome and I love him. He's sweet to me, unlike you." I say, walking over to Shawn who seemed a bit sad.

"Hey lets go home." I say, petting Shawns head.

"No go have fun with Prince Charming over there. I'm positive you'd much rather have him then me. I mean, he's a model."

"Shawn no! I literally just turned him down right now! For one, your a worldwide known singer, for two you are very sweet and very loving. Jacob was nothing like that to me. He was a jerk and out relationship only lasted maybe three months at the most." I say, kissing his cheek after. Shawn looked up and smiled.

"You turned him down for me?"

"Of course. You are everything to me. And to me, you are way better than models, you're a god." I say, caressing his soft lips.

"Let's go home." Shawn nodded and we walked home. 

Shawn Mendes ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora