| Ambition In The Demon Army |

Start from the beginning


"Not again." Kimizuki lets out a deep sigh as placing a palm over his face.


The morning came and with the sun beaming through the thin layer of curtains in my room,i couldn't help it but to be awake by it.

Instead of using the inconvenient JIDA uniform i wore like i always have,i decided to go with much of a rather relaxing and comfortable outfit today since Shinoa said it is our day off-so i put on a white tank top accompanied by a black hoodie for the outer part,and the usual JIDA skirt uniform.

I leaned on the wall outside my door room whilst putting on my usual boots until somebody's faint voice calling me from below.


Walking to the edge of the balcony,i leaned forward to see the three figures stood beneath with their familiar heterogeneous head.

"Coming now!" I replied.

I ran down the stairs since my place is up in the 3rd storey high and meet them outside,

"Wow,that was actually nice of you guys to fetch me here." I blurted out,

"Yuuichiro here wanted to see you first off in the morning." Yoichi answered with his cheery tone as usual even in this early morning.

"WHAT!? You know that's not true!" The ravenette turn flush in red as he denied.

That is when i notice since he who stood before me-he had a hair sticking out from his head like a twig on top of it.

Instinctively,my hand reaches out for his hair and brushes my fingers to comb down his messy black charcoal locks down,

"Did you even take a look of yourself in the mirror before leaving? Sheesh,"

"Why?" He stood and stay unmoved despite his silly question,

"Your hair is sticking out of places." I bubbles out a small giggles from my lips remembering the dumbfounded look he had whenever his hair looks messy some times.

"You look like a nagging mother,ya' know?" He teased.

"You're welcome." I replied-note the sarcasm.

I did not even remember the presence of the other two being near us as my eyes only stayed on Yuu's.

"See,i sensed a chemistry here,Kimizuki." Yoichi started;making me tilt my head towards their direction.

"Yeah,i can see that." The redette answered as their gaze feel on us with an obvious look.

"Chemistry?" I mumbled,trying to take a look on my being with Yuuichiro's to see what are they talking about.

It took me a few seconds to realize that the way they meant by 'Chemistry' is me and the male before me with the small gap between us.

"HUWAA!!" In a sync,we both jumped away from each other and our cheeks are easily dominated by red heat.

I--i thought my heart would leap out of my chest!

"D-damn it you people!" Yuuichiro throw a death glares to both brunette and redette male while i was still too busy calming my heart rate.

"Alright alright,let's get going--or else Mitsuba might send us a preach again." Kimizuki is the one who drops the subject.

"I wonder what Shinoa wanted to talk about though." I who had finally calmed down,began to walk with the three of them.

 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 | 𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡Where stories live. Discover now