Chapter 13

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It was the last day of spring break. I didn't want to go back to school tomorrow so I was trying to enjoy the last day of vacation the best I could. I decided to have Beth come over since I haven't hung out with her since I left the hospital. I jogged down the stairs to wait in the living room for Beth. I finally got that cast off my leg so I could move around like normal. I went into the living room and sat down next to my mom who was on the couch reading a book.

"Mom I invited Beth over, that okay?" I asked and it felt like my voice echoed through the quiet living room.

"That's fine, as long as it's not that boy." my mom spoke without even looking up from her book. Me and mom get along even though we argue here and there. She is still hung up on the fact that I'm dating Jason. She constantly says stuff like this, always putting him down. I just ignore it now because whatever she says doesn't change the way I feel about him. Thankfully there was a knock at the door breaking the awkwardness I felt surrounded me and my mom. I went to the door and hugged Beth as soon as I saw her. I was so happy to see her. It felt like we haven't hung out in so long when it had only been a few days.

"I'm happy to see you too" she laughed, hugging me back and we headed upstairs to my room.

"How have you been? It feels like its been so long since I've seen you" Beth said taking a seat in my desk chair and spinning around. Good ol' Beth.

"I've been good, nothing interesting really" I said sitting across from her on my bed, giggling at her.

"So how are you and Jason?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows making me laugh at how immature she was.

"Were fine, how are you and Tyler?" I asked, changed the subject. Maybe I'd be able to learn a bit more about him through Beth.

"Oh my god! I didn't tell you, he asked me to go to his family reunion with him!" She practically shouted. She seemed excited and I was happy for her but with what me and Jason found the other day, I wasn't sure if he was who she thought he was.

"That's great but are you sure he's right for you?" I asked, just trying to be a good friend and look out for her. I'm not sure if this guy is genuine.

"What?" She asked and her facial expression changed.

"I mean maybe he's not who you think he is. He could be trouble, I'm just looking out for you." I could tell she was getting mad but I wasn't sure if he could be trusted.

"Says the girls who's dating a criminal" she spat and it hurt. Why was she being such a bitch? I'm just trying to look out for her.

"Listen, I found out some stuff about Tyler and I don't think you should be near him." I sounded like a mom but she needed to know.

"Oh really? What exactly did you find out?" She asked with attitude clear in her voice.

"He may have been the one to hit me with the car. His last name is the same as the guy who has it out for Jason bu-"

"That's stupid! Do you know how many people have the same last name as other people. Your just trying to keep me away from someone who truly makes me happy!" She yelled.

"No I'm not! I'm just trying to make sure you don't get close to this guy and he hurts you" I tried to not shout at her but she was frustrating me. I'm just trying to keep her safe and she's blowing up at me.

"I can take care of myself" she said getting up and starting to walk out.

"Where are you going?" As much as she was frustrating me, she's still my best friend and I didn't want her to be mad at me.

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