Chapter 10

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I told Beth everything that had happened and after a few minutes we hung up. Beth said I could stay at her place considering I didn't want to go home and deal with my parents.  After I hung up I relaized that I had been standing in Jason's bathroom for the last few minutes talking on the phone. That's not weird to stand in your friends or boyfriends, what ever me and Jason were, bathroom talking on the phone. I did my business and headed back downstairs. I walked back into the living room and sat down next to Jason, who looked to be in deep thought.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, scooting closer.

"Nothing" he said smiling at me.

"Sure you weren't" I said and he laughed at my sarcasm.

"So are you gonna tell me what you were so deeply thinking about?" I pressed on. He had looked so serious so I wanted to know what he was thinking about. Yea, I'm noisy.

"Just this gorgeous girl I know" He said looking at me. I couldn't help but blush. I didn't get a chance to answer because Jason's grandmother came in the room.

"Annie, would you like to stay for dinner?" She asked, apron on and oven mit in hand. 

"I'd love to, thanks" I smiled. She was so cute. A few minutes later me and Jason were called into the kitchen for dinner. After a moment of silence, Jason's grandmother spoke.

"So Annie, how long have you and Jason been dating?" She asked causing Jason to choke on his drink. I felt my cheeks start to burn. Can you say awkward?

"Uh...were not dating.." I said awkwardly, positive my cheeks were some shade of pink.

"Well I just assumed with they way he talks about you and such.." She trailed off while Jason gave her a glare that told her to stop talking.

"What" she said toward Jason who still gave that cold glare. Other than that awkward conversation, the dinner was fine. I helped clean everything up, while making small talk with Jason's grandmother, who I found out her name is Grace. I said bye to Grace while Jason walked me to the door. I would've normally walked to Beth's but after what had happened I didn't really feel comfortable and I don't think Jason would have let me walk anyway.

The ride to Beth's was kinda awkward. It was silent the whole way there, not that it took long to get there. Beth and Jason didn't live that far apart. We pulled into the driveway and Jason cut the engine.

"I'm sorry about earlier" he finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence.

"It's fine" I said suddenly feeling very nervous. Again there was an awkward silence.

"And for what happened to you" he said quietly, looking down at his hands.

"I told you its not your fault" I said not wanting him to feel like it was.

"It is my fault though! He hurt you because of me" Jason snapped which made me jump. I wasn't expecting him to get so angry.

It was quiet before Jason muttered a quiet 'sorry'. Again there was an awkward silence.

"I just don't want you to get hurt" he said looking at me with worry written all over his gorgeous face.

"Jason I won't get hurt as long as I'm with you" damn, that was really cheezy. Did I honestly just say that I thought as Jason continued to speak.

"But that's the thing Annie, you being with me will cause you to get hurt." I wasn't sure what to say. He took a deep breathe before continuing.

"I wish is wasn't like this. I wish I could have the relationship I want to have with you but I can't. I don't know how far Timothy will go and I can't risk it. You mean too much to me." He said looking into my eyes.   

"Can't we at least try?" I asked hopefully.

"No" he said flatly. It hurt a little but I knew he didn't mean it in a bad way.

"It'd probably be the best if you just stayed away from me from now on" I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes. This felt like a breakup and we weren't even together. 

"I should go in before Beth starts to wonder what happened to me." I said, not sure how to respond to what Jason had just said. He seemed dead serious and that freaked me out.

"I mean it Annie. Stay away from me" he said as I opened the door of the car and made my way to the door. I stood at the door with tears falling down my cheeks as I heard Jason drive away. After knocking a few times Beth answered.

"Hey" I said as I let the tears fall.

"Hey what happened?" she asked, pulling my into her house. As soon as was in the house I broke into tears.

"My life is a mess" I sobbed as Beth pulled me into a much needed hug.

"Come on, let's go up to my room and you can tell me what happened." She said as we walked upstairs.

I explained how Jason told me to stay away from him and how much I didn't want to which only made me cry more.

"I know it hurts but I don't blame him for telling you to stay away. He obviously cares about you and doesn't want to see you get hurt" She said calming me down.

A while later, I changed into some clothes I had left here from a previous sleep over and stayed the night. My mom had called and left a voice mail on my phone flipping out so I sent her a text and told her I was staying a Beth's. I would've tried to go home but I didn't feel like getting bothered by mom about how I was acting foolish or stupid or whatever. I care about Jason and hopefully Beth is right. Hopefully he's only doing this because he cares about me too. 

Jason's POV

Driving back to my house I felt like an asshole. As I sat there and told Annie to stay away from me I saw the tears in her eyes and it hurt. I didn't want to hurt her but I knew that her being near me would cause that. 

When I got back to the house it was quiet. My grandma always went to bed early. Normally I would have stayed up but I felt like crap. I changed and stood in the bathroom at I looked at myself in the mirror. Why did my life have to be so complicated? I know, because I did stupid things that I regret.  As soon as things start to get a little bit better its like the universe says 'hey looks Jason's happy let's fuck shit up'. The more I stood there and thought about my screwed up life the angrier I got. There was no one else to be angry at than myself. I screwed my life up. This was all my fault. Everything was always my fault. I couldn't stand staring at myself in the mirror knowing all the bad things I've done and pain I caused. So I did the only thing I could think of in that moment. I punched the mirror so hard and glass flew out at me. I pulled my fist from the now shattered mirror and pulled a piece of glass from my knuckle. My hand was bloody but not bad, I've seen worse. I quickly bandaged my hand before laying in bed. I can't believe how bad my life is. The only person who made my life somewhat better was Annie and I had to push her away for her safety cause even when I'm not trying I cause pain to innocent people. 

After hours of tossing and turning I fell asleep. I only got an hour or two of sleep before heading to school. I would've stayed home but this morning my grandma told how proud she was of me for going back to school. I couldn't disappoint another person I cared about so I sucked it up and went to school. I re-bandaged my hand but it didn't look any better if anything it looked worse. Luckily, my grandma didn't notice because I didn't feel like explaining.

I got to school, got my stuff and headed to class. I walked into study and saw Annie sitting in the back with her headphones in and her head down. I sat a few seats away from keeping my distance even though I wanted to go up to her and act like nothing happened but I couldn't. I had to keep her safe and staying away from her is the best way.

The rest of school dragged on. I ran into Annie again before the day ended. She looked like she got just as much sleep as I did. Beth told me she was a mess which made me feel like an even bigger jerk. As I walked home all I kept wondering was why did everything have to be so complicated? Why didn't stuff run easy in my life?

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