Chapter 4

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I just stood there shocked as he stared at me. He probably thought I was retarded or something. I didn't know what to say so I just walked out of the office and he followed me. I thought I should at least try and start some sort of conversation but I couldn't figure out anything to say. After a couple of minutes, Jason spoke and it made me jump.

"So, what's your name" he asked me as we slowly walked through the halls.

"A-Annie" I stuttered, that's just great. I could feel my cheeks getting red with embarrassment. In the past couple days I have formed a crush on a complete stranger and now here he was standing next to me. I know it's stupid to fall for someone you don't even know but I couldn't help it. It just kinda happened.

"Like the movie?" he asked looking at me.

"Yeah, like the movie" I chuckled. I always had people compare my name to the movie. Normally it annoyed me but when he said it, it didn't.

"What's your name?" I asked even though I already knew. I didn't want to seem like a creep though.

"Jason" he said simply. After that it fell quiet again. Thankfully we reached Mrs.Marks class because it was getting kinda awkward. Well for me. We walked in and I went back to my seat. I put my iPod on and watched as everyone stared and whispered. It was ridiculous. Whenever we have a new student the same thing happens. People whisper and make up rumors and then it's like nothing happened. Luckily I never had to go through that because I've lived in Nevada my whole life and trust me when I say it's not as fun as it sounds.

I realized I was staring into space and I figured since Beth wasn't here I might as well do my homework I had forgotten to do the night before. I was about half way through my civics homework when I felt a presence next to me. I looked up to see Jason sitting next to me. I took my headphones off and just stared, kinda shocked that he was siting next to me. I mean there are a bunch of other empty seats in the class. He turned to look at me and smiled.

"Hey" he said to me like we've been friends for years. I just met him, but if he wants to be friendly I'm fine with that.

"Um..hi" I said still confused. I started to do my homework again when I heard Jason say something. I wasn't really paying attention so I didn't clearly hear what he said.

"What'd you say?" I asked.

"I just asked what you were doing" he said looking at me. It was then I noticed how nice his eyes were. They were the perfect brown, not to dark but not really light. They were perfect. I snapped out of it and answered his question.

"Just civics homework"

"Oh, is it hard? I have civics seventh period and I'm not really good work" he said tuning his whole desk sideways so he faced me. It made me laugh because everyone turned at the loud noise the desk made against the floor. I looked at Jason to see his cheeks were slighty red. He was blushing. Can you say adorable?

"Oh come on, there has to be something your good at" I said referring to what he said about not being good at anything. He just laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked clearly confused at why he was laughing.

"Nothing, you wouldn't get it" he said still laughing.

"Are you calling me stupid" I said seriously, just to mess with him. He immediately stopped laughing.

"What, no, I didn't-" He got nervous and started to ramble so I cut him off.

"I was kidding" I said, now it was my turn to laugh. It was cute the way he got nervous. Damn, he was cute period.

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