Chapter 7

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Annie's POV

It was finally the weekend and I was so pumped. Not only because I got a break from school but because Jason asked me out. The whole way home that day I couldn't even concentrate. My parents kept asking me why I was smiling so much and I just told them I was doing really good in school, which technically wasn't a lie. I was doing good but I had a few distractions.

I had to tell my parents I was hanging out with Beth today. It was the only way I'd be able to go out with Jason. My parents would flip out if they knew I was going on a date. Not because I was going on a date but because of who I was going on a date with. If you haven't forgot, Jason does have a record of doing some pretty bad things. Even though Jason didn't seem like the type of person who would be a criminal you know what they say, looks can be deceiving. In this case they definitely were. Jason was so nice and funny, it's hard to picture him being so cruel and heartless. Maybe being in jail changed him?

Right now I was sitting in Beth's room as we listened to music and creeped on facebook, well Beth creeped I kinda just sat there and laughed at everything she showed me. Some people were so stupid. I mean they'd broadcast everything little thing. They broadcast their relationships, to fights with friends, everything. It gets frustrating. Some things in life are meant to stay private. That's one of the many reasons I never go on.

"Ew Marissa's on" Beth said as she made a face at the computer screen. I loved that as best friends we both hated the same people. Marissa has always been a bitch even back in elementary school. She was the girl who stole your crackers, broke your toys and pushed you off the swing. As we got older her mean ways just got meaner. She seemed to target me a lot. When Beth moved here in second grade, me and her became friends, making her a target of Marissa too. It was rediculous. Why did she have to be so immature? We are in the 10th grade, seriously, grow up.

"Uhh I can't stand her" I said as I flipped through a magazine I found on Beth's desk.

"Me either. Ever since she spilled paint on me in fourth grade. It was then I realized what the word bitch meant" she said seriously but I couldn't help but laugh.

"She's done some worse things than that. Like when she told the whole school that I had a STD. No one went near me for weeks, except for you." I said hugging Beth.

"Yea, what are best friends for?" she said hugging me back. As we sat there hugging each other, I heard my phone ring letting me know I had a text. I imediatley rushed to my phone. I knew with it was Jason without even looking at it. We had been texting a lot. All day friday and I even woke up with a text from him this morning. I used to think it was stupid when girls would brag about getting 'good morning' texts from guys but now that I had a guy doing it to me I didn't mind at all.

"Someone's obsessed" Beth joked.

"I'm not obsessed." I laughed as I opened the text.

"I can't wait to see you tonight."

Once I opened it and read it my heart dropped a little. I felt a huge smile make it's across my face. I had noticed that I had been smiling a lot lately, all because of Jason.

"What does it say?" Beth asked as she got up and came to look over my shoulder. I just showed her the text cause her breathing in my ear was really uncomfortable.

"Oh my god! He so likes you!" she said and I couldn't stop smiling. This was crazy. I haven't felt this way towards a guy in a long time. Then Jason shows up and everything changes, but in a good way.

"I would hope so, considering we are going on a date tonight" I said to Beth who was back on her computer.  I sat back down next to her on her floor and tried to figure out what to write back. I was gonna say something like 'me either' or 'your so sweet' but I didn't I ended up with...

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