Chapter 8: Escape From Sky

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Harmonia could not hold back the tears any longer, "Edward...I mean...who cares what your name is! You lied about your age, you lied about your name, and what else, all of your stories and feelings too?!"

Corporal Stonewall struggled through a moment of shame before the Captain urged him on, "Well, go on 'Edward', answer the poor girl. She's already in tears. There's not much more you can do to wound her pride."

The boy who had once called himself Edward could not find the right words as he produced the harsh bitter truth, "No. None of what went on between us was real. You are a fun and pretty girl Harmony, but you're still a criminal, and I could never love a criminal."

Harmonia collapsed to the ground as the heavy sadness crashed onto her fragile heart.

"Why Corporal Stonewall, look at what you've done to this poor pretty girl," spoke Dibella brushing a false comforting hand through Harmonia's hair. "You should know better than to think you can have a happy life as a criminal on Sky? Surely this isn't some children's book where everything ends happily and a valiant hero comes to save the day. Child, the world is cold, and it will chew you to the bone before it spits you out again."

Captain Jessi was already grinding her teeth, "You're the cold one, you know that Dibella. Don't you have a heart inside your chest just like the rest of us?"

"Ha," Dibella returned her attention to Captain Jessi. "There's no time for such nonsense these days. The people of Sky must learn who is in charge and why those who rule hold such an elevated seat of power above mongrels such as you."

"Uh...because they're greedy, selfish, scum-sucking dogs, probably even lower on the food chain actually, that only care about themselves? Does that about cover it? Oh yeah, I forgot heartless," smiled Jessi.

It was then that Grumbler also broke his silence from his spot on the table as he readied to lunge upon his master's order, "Grumble! Grumble!"

"Quite the contrary in fact. If anything, the Corporations are the only hope left for this planet. We are the only form of control. We who save people from themselves. Surely you of all people should know this by now?"

"Oh yeah, because all I've seen is how generous and giving the Corporations can be. Sure thing there Captain," Jessi's tone was growing only more sarcastic.

Dibella now turned around and began marching towards the soldiers who awaited her command, "That is what none of you commoners seem to understand. You do not realize that we who elevate ourselves do so because we are more worthy of the title than any other. A person does not reach a position of my standing within the Corporations until they learn that simple truth. Some are born far superior to others. And if it were not for constant regulations on food and water for the commoners, why, they would have drained all of our resources long ago. Don't you see Captain Jessi, we at the Corporations are saving this planet by saving it from the likes of you."

"Ha," laughed Jessi suddenly motioning to Ro who had yet to say a word amidst his petrified fear. "Somehow it always seems to work out for you in the end, doesn't it Dibella? In fact, something tells me that if you were standing in my shoes, somehow, you'd be singing a completely different tune."

"And you see, this is where you are wrong, yet again your attempts at sensible humour fails you. No Captain Jessi. I do not sing any songs. In fact, I detest music all together," Dibella stopped in front of the row of soldiers and their one shooters. "If anything, the only sounds you will ever hear from me are orders. That means the only song you and your friends will be hearing today Jessi is that which will mark your condemnation and inevitable end. Soldiers, arrest these criminals!"

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