Undisclosed Desires Chap.12

Start from the beginning

Hope you never fall

Hope you never throw away the

Drop the ball, watch it fall far below

Suck you in, hold your breath, watch it swing

It hurts when you need me

And I can't break your fall

It hurts when you can't see

And it hurts’

Kevin and Drake, along with Ash, finished the song. For the last sentences of the song, Drake was left alone. No background sound but his voice. The emotions put on the last words of the song made Damien’s heart contrast against his chest. Adrian was clapping as they finished and Dustin whistled. Drake laughed along with Kevin, wrapping an arm around the boy’s shoulders.

“That’s a wrap boys’,” Adrian called out as he placed his guitar on its stand and walked over to sit next to Damien.

“So what did you think? He’s amazing, huh?” Damien nodded as Adrian nudged him in the ribs.

“I think we’re going to impress Rob with that song,” Ash said as she sat on one of the bean bags. Kevin shot her a glare. Damien couldn’t know about Rob Caballo, since they were going to meet him at Damien’s birthday party his mother was throwing him.

“Who’s Rob?” Damien asked looking at Adrian while his hand caressed Drake’s. Drake had taken a seat on the floor in front of Damien and had placed his hand on Damien’s knee.

“Um, this one guy that heard about us. We are going to meet with him in two weeks. That’s why we’re practicing so much,” Adrian explained as he kicked the bean bag Ash was sitting on.

Kevin stretched and cracked his back, “Well I’m beat. I think we should really call it a day. We’ve been practicing for three hours, dude.”

Dustin walked back to the group and handed them a bottle of water each, “Yea, Adrian. If we don’t rest, then we’re going to collapse.”

Adrian tilted his head to the side; glancing at Drake, who was staring up at Damien. Love struck, he thought as he sighed with a smile. “Alright, but if I say we practice tomorrow then we’re going to practice!” The guys nodded and each said their good bye. In a matter of minutes there was only Adrian, Damien, and Drake left in the garage where the band practiced.

“Alright, guys. I’m going to chill before heading to bed. No rough housing in my sanctuary!” Adrian walked out of the garage, but before he left he glared at both Damien and Drake; he meant it when he said no rough housing.

Damien chuckled and pulled Drake up from the floor and down on his lap, “You want to leave already?”

Drake bit his lip, “Sure.” Even though Drake didn’t feel shy around Damien anymore, he still felt nervous. The emotions Damien made him feel weren’t exactly Drake’s forte.

Damien kissed the top of Drake’s head, making the young boy blush, and walked inside the house to let Adrian know that they were heading home.

“Adrian said to text him tomorrow,” Damien called back as he grabbed his jacket and Drake’s hand.

“Can I drive?” Drake asked, biting his lower lip.

Damien chuckled as they reached the Mustang and tossed the keys to Drake.

Drake smiled as he slid behind the wheel of the Mustang and adjusted the seat to accommodate his slightly shorter frame while Damien settled himself in the passenger seat. “Is it dumb of me to say I wished you had brought the Jag?”

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