Chapter 9

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"HE WHAT?!" Morgan asked shocked
I nodded and shuddered, thinking about what happened the night before with Alex.
"And Niall...saved you?" Anne questioned.
"Yeah," I answered.
"Whoa," Grace said.
"Thats hot," Anne muttered.
"Oh my god!" I said and couldn't help but blush.
"See! You think so too!" Anne teased and I hid my face in my hands.

They laughed and I got up and fled into the bathroom. After I closed the door behind me I let out a deep breath, then turned the water on in the shower.


"Oh there you are! Good morning," My mom said with  a cheery smile.
"Morning," I said back and sat next to Grace who was demolishing her breakfast.
"Want some eggs and bacon?" My mom asked.
"Yes please."
"Oh I almost forgot to tell you, Aunt Lisa asked if you could watch Becky and Abby tonight..?" My mom said. I paused so my mom continued, "I would do it, but I'm working the late shift tonight..."
"Uhh yeah, no. I can do it...what time?" I interupted.
"Okay, sounds good." I agreed.

I showed up at my Aunt's house at about 6:50 and she and Uncle Jim were out of the house at about 6:51. 

"Hey guys," I greeted Becky and Abby, my adorable twin cousins who were only 6 years old, still innocent. 

"Raylin!!!" They squeled and ran over to envelope me in one big group hug. I laughed and hugged them back.

"How are you gus?" I asked, "I haven't seen you in a while!"
"We're good," Becky said with a smile.
"Yeah and we missed you too," Abby said.
"Aww, so whats up? Nothing new going on in your life?" I asked.

Abby and Becky looked at each other then dragged me into their room which they had recently re-done.

"Wow, I love it!!" I exclaimed. Abby giggled and ran to go jump on her bed. Becky dragged me over to her bed and made me jump with her. We then got into a pillow fight which lasted about half an hour. 


Afterwards we played Mario Kart and then settled down for a movie, they decided on Wreck it Ralph. Around 9:00 I got a text from Niall.

"Hey watcha doing?" 
"Lame, till when?" 
"Whenever the parents get back."
"Well can we hang after?"
"I don't know how late they're staying out..."
"So no...?"
"I don't think I can tonight."

About twenty minutes later the credits scrolled down the screen and I realized that Becky and Abby were passed out on both sides of me. I lightly giggled and turned off the tv. Gently, I got up and placed a blanket over both of them.

Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jim got back around 10. I put my finger to my lips, motioning for them to be quite.  Aunt Lisa gave me a hug and kiss and went over to her kids.

"Thanks kido," Uncle Jim said and handed me a twenty.
"Oh no, you don't need to pay me really," I said pushing the money away.
"No no, I insist," he said and quickly slipped the money in my purse before I could stop him.
"Ugh...thanks," I said and gave him a hug.
"Do you need a ride home?" he asked.
"Uhh, no I think I'll just walk, thanks though."
"Alright be careful, thanks again."


As I walked home I decided to go to Nialls and see if he was there.

Of course, he wasn't.

On my way back I passed the club we were at the night before. A shiver ran down my spine and I folded my arms together in front of me. There was a commotion coming from one of the alleys next to the club. I was about to ignore it but a patch of blonde hair changed my mind. Blondie looked up and locked eyes with mine. I felt my eyes pop out of my head and before I knew it I was sprinting over to the fight that Niall seemed to be loosing in.

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