Chapter 1: Head In The Books

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Hella peoples!! New story I just kinda came up with. Random? Yes. Bad? idk u guys gotta decide. Love all my readers, fans, supporters, etc. Hope you enjoy!! :] Tell me what ya think ;D



Chapter 1: Head In The Books

Alyssa sighed as she closed the ancient book that lay in her lap. A puff of dust exploded that gave off the scent of old books, and Alyssa inhaled quietly and smiled. Then frowned as she looked down at the book sitting on her thighs of her bent legs. She pulled her small, black framed glasses off her face, folded them, and slid them into her purse that hung on her left elbow. "No luck again," she muttered as she stood up from the bottom of the bookcase and dusted herself off. She faced the bookcase she just sat in front of and placed the book where she found it. Her index finger traced the books for her desired subject until she found a couple that had her satisfied.

She began walking to the library's checkout counter when a book favorite of hers stood on display. She stopped in her tracks, put her glasses back on to be sure, then debated on whether to add that to the pile or not. She shrugged, then placed the books on top of her other two. She gladly walked to the checkout counter with a smile stretching from ear to ear. There were two reasons for her sudden happiness: she has her favorite romance book, and her best friend, Dave, was behind the checkout counter, grinning wildly at her.

"Hey sunshine. What books are you checking out today?" he asked as he leaned over the counter to kiss Alyssa on the cheek. Okay, so maybe best friend wasn't the right term. But they certainly weren't dating, neither friends with benefits. So what else could you really call him? The constant kissing on the cheek wasn't the complicated part, it was the tingle and warmth that they both felt when they did it..

"Hey, Dave," she chimed as she kissed his cheek as well. "I just have some more study material. Nothing new."

"I can see that. You're also studying Pride and Prejudice?" he teased as he waved the book in front of her. "You know, if you think the perfect guy for you will materialize from the words written in a book, you really have your head in the books."

"Shut up. I like reading about guys who actually care about girls and treat them right."

"Ah ah aah, Darcy did not treat Elizabeth sweetly at first," he retorted as he shook his finger at Alyssa. She stood there, astonished, with her mouth agape, which made him laugh hard. His laugh was so unique and extremely contagious, and made her laugh as well.

"I didn't know you read Jane Austen's work," Alyssa giggled, still shocked.

"I wouldn't if it hadn't been for you," he said as he rested his head in his hands and stared up at her intently. She definitely blushed at that line and gazed back at him. His hair was lusterous and the color of mahogany wood planks. His hair was curly, but short, his frosty green eyes filled with passion, surrounded by a thick forest of black lashes, complimented his sun tanned skin. "You changed more than just my reading list. You changed the way I feel about life and romance and others." He grazed her cheek and Alyssa softly closed her eyes at the touch. She grabbed his hand with both of hers and kissed his palm, making her blush a little more and him smile warmly.

"Hey Allie!"

Alyssa and Dave turned to see her brother at a library table with some friends. Maybe "some" was an understatement. Seeing them, they dropped their hands from her face, but she squeezed his hand in search for comfort. With that, Dave retracted his hand, grabbed Alyssa's books as he rounded the counter, and called back "I'm going on break!" Dave slid the books into her purse and kissed her forehead. He pulled back, and grabbed both of her hands. "I'll see you outside." Alyssa gave a small smile and walked towards the rowdy group of friends.

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