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The two of us grab a bunch of warm oat and raisin cookies before finding our corner of the library and sinking into the two velvet bean bags against the radiator.
Its warmth fills the two of us with warmth and I'm so grateful despite the image of that fox playing on my mind.
It looked so lost, so sad, so lonely. Like it needed to find its way.
"On Saturday night, the boys are throwing THE Hallowe'en do of the year."
Char says,rolling her eyes and continuously munching away.
"And James had already invited a tonne of girls, including that girl, Talia, the über pretty one from the other high school."
She looks faraway.
"What's wrong with that? You're pretty too..."
She snaps," you don't get it Rosa. That his ex-girlfriend. And considering he's being distant lately,hiding his phone and always going out places without me knowing...I can't help but suspect something. They were properly in love, like proper old fashioned nonsense...Ugh"
By this time an endless amount of tears are flowing down her face and her eyes shine a bright,crystal sapphire blue,just as they are every time she's hit utter devastation.
I put my arm around her and squeeze her shoulders while shushing her and feeding her cookies for a whole until she begins to giggle.
"You know what?"
"What?" She replies simply.
"Were going to that party. Saturday night,you and me, me and you. Well show that idiot we don't need boys. And you, my lady,are going to show him up big time if he dares go near this so called Talia girl. Just you wait and see!"
Her eyes shine and my heart tingles with anticipation as we do our secret pinky promise swear, for I know the stupid plan I didn't think through could either go amazingly well or end up disastrous..
Oh gosh.

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