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Danny takes me everywhere on Hus scooter. We ride up to the far side of town,where the lanes are wide and cobbledashed. There's canals and old fashioned bakeries. He takes me into one and we choose out an assortment of Hallowe'en sugar cookies to take home and indulge on tonight. It all feels too surreal as he takes me back on his bike over the little canal bridge. The water is moving slowly and calmly down past us,with the slightest hint of frost to the upper layer. It is slick and black and almost hypnotizing. I drag my eyes away from the water and pay attention to our journey. He squeezes me tight against his warm chest as we take another sharp turn and suddenly were in oh-so-familiar terrain.

He slows at the several traffic lights,pausing to look this way and that just in case.
We slowly make our way past several of the city centres scrapers, all business and glass no fun. He cracks stupid jokes endlessly in my ear,and I end up in peals of laughter as the wind blows against the two of us.
Finally, after about forty five minutes or so of driving around, he pulls up in front of 'Five Guys', my all time favorite restaurant.
"How did you know," I smile to him.
He just winks effortlessly and assists me in dismounting myself from the bike.
The street is relatively busy,due to it being a Saturday and his warm hand clasps against mine,despite it being slightly sweaty.
The little bell above the door jingles as we enter and the oh-so-welcoming smell of american diner food hits me.
"Table for two please," I hear Danny say to the waitress, who guides us through a very busy area of the restaurant. We get a booth right next to the window and we both plonk ourselves down,sat across from one another.

"I just love this place Daniel! Its been my favorite since I was a kid you know," I babble, regretting it afterwards.
An adorable smile crawls across his face as he stares at me ,"tell me more about you, Rosa. I need to know everything."
And the story starts there. We ordered a vanilla milkshake for two alongside fries and beef burgers to satisfy our hunger. As we tuck into our delicious meal, Danny leans towards me and listens intently as I partially tell him the tale of what makes me me. I leave out mist of it though,because its too soon,too secret for anyone to understand. How lost I'd been growing up,how sad and depressed I'd gotten in the last.
He doesn't seem to lose interest once and when I've told him what he needs to know, we just sit for a moment in silence.
"Your story is so beautiful Rosa."
I shake my head in protest," that's not all of it. "
"Tell me,please! Its so interesting."
I hesitate for a moment,close my eyes and draw a breath inwards,ready to unravel the darkest parts of me...
"Well well,look who it is!" I hear a voice say; a voice that brings back bad memories ,from just the week before.
Our eyes break away from each others and I look up,only to have my heart drop out of me.
Sasha,in full blast is stood in front of us two.
Her ebony skin glows with abundant health and her silky tresses are curled into a wonderful updo. Her bomber jacket alongside black filled jeans and expensive trainers finish off her gorgeous look. But her face begs to differ.
Her perfectly arched brows and pointed downwards in a scary fashion and her blood seems to boil as her face is pulled into a scowl.
"I thought I told you to stay away from Danny!" Sasha growls at me,her looks of disgust penetrating me.
I cough,stumbling,not knowing what to do or say in thus point in time.

A Christmas KissOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora