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As I storm outta the place,tears are running down my cheeks and devastation has completely consumed me. I can't be bothered anymore. What's the actual point if I never win in the end.

I angrily wipe away at my tears and feel warm,masculine hands grasp a hold of my shoulder and turn me around.
Danny is facing me and looking dead on at me,trying to explain something but the tears keep welling up.
"Listen to me!"
I shake my head, suddenly back in this zone, and notice from the corner of my eye, Sasha and followers in tow,quickly approaching. She's raging.
Danny sees too and his eyebrows point downward in absolute fury, before he pulls me into a big hug and I collapse into tears again.
Sasha pauses in her tracks and her mask of rage seems to disappear for a moment as a look of longing and sadness ghosts over her. It lasts a mere moment and I feel really bad,causing me to sniffle.
But she knows I notice and her guard is thrown right back up.
"We've got better things to do than sit around these mopey losers..." She exclaims to her followers,before hesitantly turning on her heel and stalking away.
Danny's really kind to me.
He bundles me up onto his scooter and takes me around, to watch a movie and do a bit more shopping. By the time its 6 o clock,the sun is setting on the large glass scrapers that line the skyline if the city.
" I have one more place I need to show you Rosa," Danny tells me, helping me off his scooter and throwing his arm over my shoulder and squeezing me.
I can't help but feel happy, and dazed, like this is all a dream and I will soon wake up...
I cross my fingers,hoping it's not a dream,or at least be one that lasts forever.
We approach the Hilton. Ideas run in and out of my mind until I've gone blank,not knowing what we honestly could possibly be doing here. Not that we'd even be allowed in, we're only kids.
The security at the door keep a wary eye on us as the two of us approach the building and when they've got their hands full unloading a black cab full of suitcases, Danny grabs my palm and makes a run for it through the revolving doors.
"Hey!" I hear one of their voices call but Danny bundles me into an elevator and the doors shut just as the security is approaching. My adrenaline is pumping wildly with excitement as they don't make it in and Danny,being the extravagant fool he is,wraps his arm around my waist,swings me low and kisses me passionately. I find myself in peals of laughter mid-smooch , and my tummy turns over itself,doing hops,leaps, backflips, over and over again.
We both pull away and stare into each others eyes. His honey-desert eyes are like the sun,so golden but with a darker rim, making their intense gaze penetrate me more. We both smile,breathless.
He kisses me again as the doors open and were on top floor of The Hilton Hotel.
"Close your eyes baby girl."
He stands behind me and covers my eyes with his soft cool palms and slowly makes me step forward.
I feel a change of floor and I'm suddenly scared. Everything here feels too high up,too airy, too scary.
"Are you ready?"
I nod eagerly and he counts down from three in a whisper.

A Christmas Kissजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें